Cold, away: 5 atypical products that help to overcome the first signs of illness


Take vitamins and medicines without appointing a doctor dangerous - we have repeatedly talked about it in our materials. But helping its immune system to fight the disease with natural products not only is not prohibited, but also recommended by doctors. Today tells about the products that have proven its effectiveness in the fight against the first signs of colds in the course of research scientists.

Greek yogurt

Probiotics contained in dairy products help struggle with diseases. Meta-analysis published in the Korean Journal of Family Medicine magazine showed that probiotics can help in prevent and treat out cold. The researchers found that people who daily used probiotics had a lower risk of catching out than those who had not eaten any food rich in probiotics. Additional healing effect on the body has a high protein content in the product - in the Greek yogurt, it is many times more than in the usual one. During colds, when you do not want to eat, but the body needs forces to fight viruses and bacteria, such a snack will be just.

Add seeds, the grain and a little honey to yogurt - it turns out a great breakfast

Add seeds, the grain and a little honey to yogurt - it turns out a great breakfast



Blueberry berries are rich in antioxidants who help to treat and prevent cough and cold. According to a study conducted by the University of Auckland, the consumption of flavonoids is a class of antioxidants found in blueberries - by 33% reduces the risk of colds in adults, unlike those who do not eat daily food or additives rich in flavonoids.

Ginseng tea

Although more often tea from Ginseng is bought because of a pleasant taste and aroma, still lovers of the products of the Chinese tea industry make it no in vain. Ginseum tea is used to treat the infections of the upper respiratory tract, namely colds. In a review published in the Journal of Canadian Medical Association Journal, it is noted that ginseng, as shown, significantly reduces the power of manifestation of cold symptoms and flu. Now researchers work on a practical verification of the theory that regular drink consumption helps to improve immunity.


There are tomatoes during a cold for several reasons. First, they contain a lot of vitamin C - in one tomato of about 16 mg. In the German study, published by Medizinische Monatsschrift Fur PharmaZeuten, it was shown that vitamin C is a vital part of the Phagocyte forces and the T-cells of the organism - the two main components of the immune system. The researchers also noted that the lack of this nutrient can lead to a weakening of the immune system and a decrease in resistance to certain pathogenic microorganisms, which can lead to illness.

Add tomatoes in salads and prepare them on the grill

Add tomatoes in salads and prepare them on the grill



Wild salmon is filled with zinc - nutrient, which, as proven, effectively helps reduce cold symptoms. The Family Practice magazine published a study on the influence of zinc on a cold in children aged 1 to 10 years. The researchers found that zinc, compared with placebo test, significantly reduced the severity and duration of symptoms during reception within 24 hours after the appearance of cold symptoms. Researchers noted that another study with the participation of children aged from 6.5 to 10 years proved that zinc is also an unfinished component in preventing this cold. It was discovered that children who took 15 mg zinc daily for seven months, were much stronger during the season of respiratory diseases, compared to children in the control group. However, before appointing additives, we advise you to consult with your doctor and pass tests.

Do you know what rules will help you avoid colds? Prepared a simple manual in the form of an interactive material:

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