Second attempt: how to start survive a divorce and start a new relationship


"So it happened - you had to survive a divorce. What is important in this situation? Perhaps make work on mistakes - it is not so wrong in your previous relationships. Often heaps of unresolved in the first marriage of problems dragged the partner in the second, and everything is much sharper there. Of course, I don't want to learn from your own mistakes in the second marriage, so the conclusions are better to do after all the same in advance, "the expert says.

How to survive the divorce

First of all, free from the feelings and emotions that filled you throughout the marriage and divorce. Decide with the former partner, everything related to financial assistance, housing, jointly proven property. Only after negative emotions remain over the board of your life and all the problems will be settled, you can move towards new relationships.

It is necessary to understand what annoyed in a partner, realize what kind of relationship you want. It is possible to make a certain portrait of a person perfectly suitable for you and look for it.

Elena Starokhana

Elena Starokhana

How to start a new relationship

Be open and honest with a potential partner. Perhaps in a joke about the fact that with the age of a date they resemble interviews, only the share of jokes. If you are looking for a person with whom you want to live all your life, look after he behaves, what he says, try to understand what is important for him.

Give yourself and your partner time to get to know each other better. It is not necessary to rush into new relationships as in the ohwow with your head.

Proper the principles of joint residence: Finance, common children, etc. Adult adequate people should report what they want to get from a relationship that they like and do not like the behavior of a partner.

In the new relationship there is no place to memoirs about the previous partner - the ghosts of the past can destroy the root of something new and beautiful. It is impossible to compare and say that the former wife did better or worse. Former - this is in some sense of the taboo: you can talk about them once and better not to remember anymore so as not to undermine trust.

Show flexibility and prudency - relationships need mutual compromises, small concessions to each other, preparedness for changes and community of goals and objectives.


Choose a potential partner, taking into account how well you can get along with each other. To adapt to the fact that you categorically not satisfied, all my life will not work - in this case, you will be waiting for another disappointment and, as an option, another divorce.

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