Anastasia Osipova: "I could stay without lunch, but not without a new pair of shoes"


I will not open the Secret, if I say that You can not regret the time . I try to find a time for a full-fledged eight-hour sleep, although, of course, it does not always work. You have to do and everything else.

Fitness in groups - a wonderful alternative to the exercises in the gym . I love the pool, I love to run, especially when spring comes and you can run in Luzhnetsk the embankment. I go to the fitness center three times a week. I do not engage in simulators, because I'm bored, but I love to go to group classes. I sometimes ask me what it is - to engage in one group with fans ... I think Moscow is such a crowded city that no one will not surprise anyone here. My favorite classes - Stretching (Stretching), Pilates and Body-PAPD - Studies with a barbell. This is a kind of fusion of power and aerobic workouts. On the one hand, the barbecue itself, but all this in the group and to the music. I am also interested in short half-hour classes on the press, legs, buttocks. Well, of course, I go to the massage, since the muscles require relaxation. At home, I extremely rarely doing charging, although I have already promised himself many times that from tomorrow morning I will start swing the press constantly. In the end, I start and throwing. I need motivation and society. So the girls who are boring to do alone, advise not to be shy and go to group classes.

Never sat on diets But sometimes I arrange unloading days. I have a good metabolism, besides it happened that I love useful food. For example, I do not like fat and fried, do not eat mayonnaise. I calmly treat sweets, although sometimes I can enjoy something delicious. But with the pleasure of picking steak with blood cooked on the grill. But it will not be particularly corrected from him. I am not preparing myself, I know how to make a young man. I'm more like a su-chef - I can cut, chop.

I disgust me from the thought that cucumbers will lie in my eyes . Therefore, I use purchased masks, and at home I only make a scrub from a coffee ground. As a child, Mom said that cosmetics need to be changed once a year, because the skin gets used to. And I follow this rule. I have enough dry skin, so in the winter I can apply nutritious masks. A cosmetologist attend as needed.

Already four months I do not paint hair - I decided to achieve a natural burnt effect. I returned such from vacation, and since then the quality of the hair has become better. Like many young girls, I was perhydrol blonde and so spoiled the hair that I had to take urgent recovery measures. I have curly hair from birth, and when there is an increased humidity on the street, my hairstyle begins to remind a dandelion. Therefore, I made a keratin hair straightening. Such a procedure must be repeated every three months. The hair began to grow better, and instead of the "dandelion" - a light wave.

I used to stay without lunch, but not without a new pair of shoes . And now I try not to save on shoes and on bags. T-shirt can cost two hundred rubles, but the bag and shoes should be good. Unfortunately, I have no dressing room at home, but the shoes are about a hundred couples. Therefore, it is everywhere: both in the closet in the corridor, in two cabinets in the living room, and in the bedroom. I even had to buy a mobile hanger to hang on her dresses. Instead of settings in the wall there are bags. My young man when comes, jokes: "There is a feeling that I am not at home, but in the costume workshop."

Dietary steak for two

You will need:

Lean part of beef tenderloin (steak) 2 pcs.

Pepper peas 130 g

Two spoons of vegetable oil

Salt marine to taste

For sauce It is necessary 100 ml of low-fat cream, champignons (200 g) and sea salt to taste.

Pepper is destroyed into the mortar and add a little salt. Cutting steaks in the resulting breading. Two-4 minutes on each side, then on the sides of the sides of the frying pan. Stay on the tray and bake fifteen minutes at 180 °. Champignons finely cut and fry in a frying pan, then add cream and stew mushroom sauce, constantly stirring.

Coffee scrub

I have a warm coffee mass on the body and make it fifteen minutes. I wash off. The skin looks amazing. True, this recipe has its own minus: the tubes are clogged in the bathroom, and then they need to be cleaned, or try to clean the scrub gently.

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