How to love your work: Effective methods


According to a recent survey of the American Institute of Public Opinion Gallup, 85% of workers around the world hate their work. The main cause of discontent people recognize the lack of interest in the work performed, while the remaining 15% feel happy, because they are busy love. Just imagine how many people worldwide wake up every day, not wanting to go to work. Realizing that you are not alone, it will be easier to cope with the problem. It tells why people are unhappy with the work and how to love what they do.

Why do people do not like their work?

There are a number of obvious factors that cause hatred for work:

  • Hard politician companies
  • Undorrible working schedule
  • Risk to life
  • No prospects
  • Low salary
  • Bad relations inside the team
  • Unmet worker Head

J.T. O'Donnell, founder and general director of the American company, educating people to build a career, studies the phenomenon of dissatisfaction with the work of more than 15 years. Over the years, he came to the conclusion that the thread, connecting all the "dissatisfied" - a tendency to praise. People are more important to constantly hear gratitude and feel the fleeting recognition than to think about the long-term perspective. As a result, many employees seek to get from the career the whole range of emotions, which they lack in their personal life. The expert believes that job satisfaction is directly related to the development of internal motivation to work - the reasons not related to an emotional aspect.

People are dependent on the words of others

People are dependent on the words of others


Short-term pleasure motivator

The main goal of the work for the majority is to get tools for survival. You might think that at the primitive level for the brain, this is enough of this incentive to force us to get out of bed every day and go to work. Unfortunately, not everything is so simple - the brain is very similar to an impatient child who wants instant satisfaction of needs, and does not count on a long-term award. When emotions, adjustable by the limbic brain system, are involved in making a decision, we are more likely an instant reward than irrelevant prospects in real time. For example, getting out of bed and looking towards the TV, which show an interesting series, the brain "will decide" to stay at home, which will think about the threatening dismissal.

View on Motivation Methods

It is good that from the primitive level of the brain moved to more complex, forming neocortex - the brain department responsible for conscious thinking, speech and machine execution. It is he who keeps us afloat without giving gone to a signal of a limbic system, aware of the negative consequences of the decision taken. However, not every motivation is effective - it is necessary to individually choose the strategy of "self-help", which will work in both short-term and long-term perspectives.

Work out internal motivation

Work out internal motivation


Ineffective motivation strategies

In fact, we have two basic incentives for making decisions - either choose a departure from an imaginary negative result, or we are moving to an imaginary positive result. In the neuro-linguistic programming system (NLP system), people in the methods of improper self-motivation are divided into four types:

  1. Negative motivator . This person postpones unimportant things and becomes motivated to work only when it is a terrible consequence of idleness. For example, "if I am constantly late to work, they will definitely be fired."
  2. Dictator. This man motivates himself by giving the inner voice of "orders" to action. Usually talking to a rigorous, commander and often critical voice. For example, "You must finish this report on time."
  3. Suppressor. People with this motivation style represent the entire task or goal with which they face, as one problem, which should be solved by a time, and not divided into parts. True, it is difficult to start acting, because such people believe that they are obliged to spend on work all day and be afraid to be thrilled. For example, "I need to organize a meeting of shareholders, but how do I execute all the documents and prepare the premises in one day?"
  4. Haters. This man fully hates the task over which it works, presenting in detail what disgusting mood and his well-being expects it. He does not appreciate a positive result, but only thinks that he will spend the whole week to fill the documents.

The problem of these motivation strategies is that their people use almost always fail. A person may feel so shocked by the volume of the task that it does not even want to perform it, or subconsciously refuse to make efforts due to aversion to the case or still decide to complete the task, but do not assess the positive result.

How to create good motivation strategies

If you learned some of these useless motivation styles in yourself, congratulations! Now you can take steps to replace them with more efficient and pleasant strategies. Here are some basic recommendations according to the NLP system:

one. Make your inner dialogy pleasant and convincing. Be a support and support, and not a dictator. Speak compliments and motivating phrases, such as "I can", "I want" and "I will" instead of pronouncement only "should". Imagine that the task has already been executed - submit positive consequences related to its completion.

2. Hide it. In NLP, this means the division is large and often time-consuming tasks for smaller stages.

3. Find the internal motivation. Find a job that really satisfies us is not always easy. However, making efforts to detect and develop third-party motivation to work, you will help yourself better than any external pressure will affect.

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