How to win neck pain


Pain in the neck may occur for various reasons. This may be the curvature of the spine, osteochondrosis, the compression of the disks, when the slots between the vertebrae decrease. The cause of pain in the neck can be vascular problems, in which case the correct blood flow, the feeding of the brain, and there may be insufficient oxygen flow. Also, pains include the clips of the nerves of the cervical, the overall weakening of the muscular frame, muscle clips, and even obesity.

Moreover, all of the above problems can manifest itself not only pain in the neck, but also headache, dizziness, increased fatigue, hearing impairment, pain in hand. Due to the clamp of one of the cervical belt muscles, even shortness of breath and cough may occur.

Daher Zip Rashid

Daher Zip Rashid

What to do?

It should not be thought that the pain in the neck is a banal consequence of seating in one place. It is advisable to visit the doctor, since it is important for treatment to take into account not only the causes, but also the age of the patient and the floor. At the same time, any person who spends a lot of time at the computer, you need to get up every two hours and make soft warm-up movements of 5-10 repetitions for each.

Roll into the shoulders, raise your hands up and sides. Make circular movements neck. It is necessary to twist as follows: to lean the chin to the chest, then smoothly rotate the neck left and right. Then you need to straighten the neck up and straighten your shoulders. The main thing is to do the exercise very smoothly and does not hurry. Such exercises must be performed regularly, then you will feel the effect.

If the room and the situation allows, it is highly recommended every two or three hours to lie down for ten minutes and just lie down. It relaxes muscles and is very useful, even if you do not feel fatigue and think that you don't need rest.

In addition to such exercises, you need to regularly play sports. Physical activity strengthens the entire muscular frame, including the cervical department. And since the head on average has a weight of 11-13% of the body weight, respectively, the cervical muscles should be healthy.

With a number of diseases of the cervical spine, including osteochondrosis, one of the effective funds is the orthopedic collar. It allows you to temporarily unload the cervical spine. Despite the rude appearance, with his proper selection, he relieves pain symptoms. It is necessary to wear it for two or three hours and only by appointing a doctor.

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