New partner as a new book


"When we start" reading "a new partner, for us the most important thing is the first page. No matter how much we read our "books", we always remember their beginning, and this began to force it again and read this again, it would seem, "C readed to the hole". This is the beginning - and there is a book completely for us.

And it happens that the push book, and the author wrote it very cleverly, but everything is not read and everything ... did not capture the first page. And it seems that everything about it speaks well and recommended to "read." But it does not go and everything here!

Some people are judged about the book on the "critics reviews". It's all from laziness guys.

And there are such cuters who look at the last pages in pursuit of fast wisdom. No, real wisdom comes with reading ...

The other time more interesting is simply Miscellaneous "Colorful Journal".

It happens that one "book" can be enthusiastically to read all night long, and on the other hand it is good ...

Well, when the "book" is not only "meaningful", but also written "compact". She will always be by the way.

Bad when the book consists of many volumes - such a book only at home and dust ...

Well, when the "book" is made qualitatively, written in a conversational genre, with the inclusions of humor and wise thoughts ...

But all this is not applicable. The main thing is the beginning. The fact that on the first page. "

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