Calm, only calm! We are looking for ways of competent relaxation


"All diseases are from nerves!" - Doctors and psychologists warn. That is why the ability to relax is one of the most valuable and demanded qualities in our vigorous and hectic days. Alas, traditionally we postpone the days of Relax on a short period of vacation. Let's take truth in the eye: two weeks every six months not enough for a full reboot of mind and body. Salvation of drowning - the work of their arms themselves: we find the source of spiritual and physical forces in home SPA-rituals, self-massage and aromatherapy.

Admit, Do you sleep well? Can you boast of canceled health and a steady psyche? Do you have a lifestyle? Even one negative response alarms that you fell victim to the disease most common among residents of the Megapolis. We are talking about muscle clips. Many do not even suspect that muscle spasm is present in their body - or even muscle groups. Clamps arise for various reasons, lead to the development of a sad scenario - fatigue increases, headaches arise, impaired vision, nervousness, fatigue appears, depression develops. In some cases, the pathologies of the musculoskeletal system - such a "trifle", as a constant muscle, can spoil your life. The danger of this state is that we often do not even notice spasm. But you can fight with them - and you need! If there is no time on a masseur and swimming, arrange "unloading" days at home.

Fragrances of happiness

The amazing influence of smells on our mood and physical condition was known at the dawn of human civilization, but aromatherapy in the form in which we know it, appeared only at the beginning of the 20th century. Her frontier was the French chemist, Monsieur Gattefoss, who opened the therapeutic effect of the lavender ether. Modern aromatherapists emphasize: choose oils to receive inside stands with tremendous caution.

The severity and spasms in the muscles under the powerful effects of ethers literally melted. Especially well coped with the accumulated fatigue juniper, spruce, eucalyptus and cypress. If you want to exclude the root cause of the clamps, it is worth avoiding emotional overvoltages and stresses. Lavanda is perfectly helped here (thanks to this ether, sleep is normalized), Ylang-Ylang and Anis (eliminate fears, hysterical states), lemon and geranium (charge energy, relieve stress). If a particularly difficult day was issued and you need an urgent means to relieve irritation - prefer a glass of red wine a few drops of nutmeg sage. His ether is able to lead to feeling even after the strongest stress.

There are several ways to apply esters - and what to choose, solve only you. If you decide to take a fragrant bath, you should remember: the ethers do not dissolve in water in its pure form. To achieve the maximum effect, drip a couple of drops into a sea salt or any fat-solvent (for example, dilute the ether with milk). Maximum dose on the bath - up to ten drops. If you want to tune in for a long working day, the water temperature should not exceed thirty-five degrees, if it is important to relax, the optimal temperature is forty degrees.

If the water procedures do not attract you, pay attention to the aromalamps. Special candles-tablets are enough just for a single session, during which you can simply lie on the sofa, read the book or watch your favorite TV series - the smells will do everything for you! Special pleasure is to compile copyright aromatic mixes that you can create yourself.

With all its oil efficiency, not everyone is suitable. With particular accuracy, they should be applied to pregnant women. In the first trimester, the impact is to completely exclude. To the second trimester you can use lemon oils, myrta, ginger and mandarin. But, despite all the properties of oils, the girls "in an interesting position" must be consulted with the doctor.

How touching!

What do we do when the foot is following or neck? Carefully knead the numb part of the body, carefully move it, stroke, plug - that is, we carry out primitive - and very effective - self-massage! Specialists assure: if each of us after a long working day took at least fifteen minutes on such relaxing sessions, health problems and mood would be significantly less. Each person is able to stimulate one or another area of ​​the body with simple stroking movements.

By the way, regular foot massage and buttocks are the wonderful prevention of cellulite, which is complaining of each second young lady. A brief session of the cerheth-collar zone will save from headaches, insomnia and chronic fatigue. Middle shoulders and hands, you are trained from the depressed and pumped deep inside stress, fears and phobias. The face massage not only prevents the appearance of wrinkles and inhibits the development of gravitational ptosis ("accusation" of the contour of the face), but also is a powerful means to get rid of the feelings of resentment, anger, disappointment, whose victims we are from time to time.

Do not use force! Be gentle, neat and patient - it is not worth a stressful plot with the osterveration. Always use lotions and oils - without them you risk stretching and damaging the skin. It is possible to add fragrant ether to the massage mixture (for the whole body - a maximum of five drops mixed with the "base") - and strengthen the effect with aromatherapy.

Truth in water

Surprisingly, even the usual black-eye shower with the right setting can be an excellent antidepressant with a powerful relaxing effect. For no accident in many spiritual practices, water is a symbol of purification - warm jets literally wash off the negative, accumulated per day. In addition to metaphysical reasoning, the stimulating effect of the contrasting effect is proven - and the soothing effect of a warm soul.

Stand under the water so that the drops first come to the top and the head. Such a simple head massage will contribute to the relaxing of the neck muscles. Be careful with the massage of the mammary glands - here all movements should be as delicate and gentle as possible. But you can not be fined with your back: zones that you are not able to work on your own, "will cover" water. Flowing on the spine "Waterfalls" - an excellent way to eliminate muscle clips and spasms. Before bedtime, the warm shower is best helped, and in the morning it is worth venturing into contrasting water treatments - this manipulation will not only help wake up, but also contributes to the strengthening of immunity. After the shower actively, laugh with a towel, put on warm clothes.

Your calm and health - only in your hands. Non-good - and such pleasant blackmail manipulations work. Wonderful flavors, magnificent oil textures, pleasant massage and shower - it seems that it may be easier (and, of course, it is genius)?

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