11 fruits that will not allow you to recover


Fruits are a natural snack rich in vitamins, fiber and other nutrients that support healthy nutrition. In fact, the use of fruit is associated with a decrease in body weight and lower risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer and heart disease. Here are 11 best fruits for weight loss:


Grapefruit is a cross between a pomelo and orange and is usually associated with a diet and weight. Half grapefruit contains only 39 calories, but provides 65% of the recommended daily rate (RSNP) vitamin C. Red varieties also provide 28% of Vitamin A. Vitamin A. Moreover, grapefruit has a low glycemic index (GI), which means that it slows down sugar in blood flow Low Guy diet can contribute to weight loss and maintenance, although evidence is limited. In a study with the participation of 85 people with obesity, the use of grapefruit or grapefruit juice before meals for 12 weeks led to a decrease in calorie consumption, a decrease in body weight by 7.1%. In addition, a recent review showed that grapefruit consumption reduces fat deposits, waist circle and blood pressure compared to control groups. Although grapefruit can be in itself, it is also an excellent addition to salads and other dishes.


Apples are low-calories and contain a large amount of fiber: 116 calories and 5.4 grams of fiber per large fruit (223 grams). It was also found that they contribute to weight loss. In one study, women gave three apples, three pears or three oatmeal cookies with the same calorieness per day for 10 weeks. A group that consumed apples lost 0.91 kg, and a group of pears - 0.84 kg, while the weight of a group of oats has not changed. Since low-calorie fruits, such as apples, referring, you will eat less than other products during the day. Studies show that apples are better to eat entirely, and not in juice to reduce hunger and control appetite. However, two studies bind apple juice with a decrease in fat in the body compared with the control drink with the same calorie. An apple polyphenol extract made from one of the natural compounds of fruit is also associated with a decrease in cholesterol. Apples can be eaten both in boiled and raw. Try adding them to hot and cold cereal, yogurt, stew and salads or bake them yourself.

Eating berries can help reduce cholesterol levels, reduce blood pressure and reduce inflammation

Eating berries can help reduce cholesterol levels, reduce blood pressure and reduce inflammation

Photo: unsplash.com.


Berries - a source of low-calorie nutrients. For example, ½ cup (74 grams) of blueberries contains only 42 calories, but provides 12% RSNP vitamin C and manganese, as well as 18% vitamin K. One cup (152 grams) strawberry contains less than 50 calories and provides 3 grams of food fibers, and Also 150% of the RSNP vitamin C and almost 30% manganese. It was also shown that berries are satisfied. One small study showed that people who were given a 65-calorie berry snack, with a subsequent reception of food ate less than those who gave candy with the same amount of calories. In addition, the use of berries can help reduce cholesterol levels, reduce blood pressure and reduce inflammation, which can be especially useful for people with overweight. Both fresh and frozen berries can be added to flakes or yogurt for breakfast, mix with a healthy smoothie, mix with baking or throw in salad.

Bone fruit

Bone, also known as firewood, are a group of seasonal fruit with fleshy appearance and a bone or bone inside. They include peaches, nectarines, plums, cherries and apricots. Bone fruits have low gi, low-calorie and rich in nutrients, such as c and a vitamins, which makes them an ideal option for people trying to lose weight. For example, one medium peach (150 grams) contains 58 calories, while 1 cup (130 grams) of the cherries provides 87 calories, and two small plums (120 grams) or four apricots (140 grams) contain only 60 calories. Compared to unhealthy snacks, such as chips or cookies, bone fruit are more saturated nutrients. Bone fruits can be fresh, grind in fruit salads, mix with rich porrows or even fry on the grill or add to spicy dishes, such as stew. Bone fruit, such as peaches, nectarines and plums, are low-calorie seasonal snacks. They are a good alternative to chips, liver or other unhealthy food.


Maracuy, which comes from South America, grows on a beautiful blooming vine. He has a tough external crust - purple or yellow color - with edible meal of seeds inside. One fruit (18 grams) contains only 17 calories and is a rich source of fiber, vitamin C, vitamin A, iron and potassium. For such a small maracuya fetus, it contains enough nutritional fibers. In fact, five of them give 42% of the RSNP for less than 100 calories. The fiber slows down digestion, helps longer feel satiety and controls appetite. In addition, the maracuy seeds contain a picantanne - a substance that reduces blood pressure and improves insulin sensitivity in overweight men. For weight loss, it is best to use Marakuyu whole. It can be used separately, to use as a filling or fillings for desserts or add to drinks.


In fact, rhubarb is a vegetable, but in Europe and North America it is often prepared as a fruit. Although there are only 11 calories for stem in it, it still contains almost 1 gram of fiber and almost 20% of Vitamin K. Vitamin K. In addition, the fiber of the rhubarb can help reduce the high level of cholesterol, which is a common problem for people who are struggling with their Weight. In the study with the participation of 83 people with atherosclerosis - arterial disease - in those who received 50 mg of dry extract per kg of body weight for six months, there was a significant decrease in cholesterol and improving the function of blood vessels. Rubber stems can be hung and served with porridge. Although it can be used in different ways, including in desserts, when weakness, it is best to adhere to a rhubarb dish with low sugar.


Kiwi are small brown fruits with bright green or yellow pulp and tiny black seeds. Very nutritious, kiwi are an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin E, folic acid and fiber, and also have significant health benefits. In one study, 41 people with prediabet eat two gold kiwi per day for 12 weeks. They had a higher level of vitamin C, a decrease in blood pressure and a decrease in the waist circle by 3.1 cm. Additional studies noted that Kiwi can help control blood sugar levels, increase cholesterol levels and maintain intestinal health - all additional benefits for weight loss. Kiwi is low gi, therefore, although they contain sugar, it is released slower, which leads to less jumps of blood sugar. In addition, Kiwi is rich in food fibers. One small purified fruit (69 grams) contains more than 2 grams of fiber, while only skin gives 1 additional clerk GR. It has been proven that a diet with a high content of fiber from fruits and vegetables contributes to weight loss, an increase in completeness and improved intestinal health. Kiwi is soft, sweet and tasty, if it is raw, peeled or crude. It can also be squeezed into juice, use in salads, add to morning flakes or used in baking.

Kiwi is low gi, therefore, although they contain sugar, it is released slower, which leads to a smaller jumps of blood sugar

Kiwi is low gi, therefore, although they contain sugar, it is released slower, which leads to a smaller jumps of blood sugar

Photo: unsplash.com.


Low-calorie melon and contain a large amount of water, which makes it very useful for weight loss. Just 1 cup (150-160 grams) melon contains a modest 46-61 calorie. Although melons and low-calories, they are rich in fiber, potassium and antioxidants, such as vitamin C, beta-carotene and lycopene. In addition, the use of a high water fruit can help you lose weight. Melon can be eaten fresh, sliced ​​cubes or balls to revive the fruit salad. They are also easy to mix with fruit cocktails or freeze in fruit ice cream.


Like all citrus, oranges contain few calories, but contain a lot of vitamin C and fiber. They are also very satisfying. In fact, oranges are four times more filling than croissant, and twice as much as Muesli Bar. Although many people use orange juice instead of orange poles, studies have shown that the use of whole fruit, and not fruit juices, not only reduces the feeling of hunger and calorie, but also increases the feeling of satiety. Therefore, if you are trying to lose weight, it is better to eat oranges than drinking orange juice. Fruit can eat separately or add to your favorite salad or dessert.


Trying to lose weight, some people avoid bananas due to the high content of sugar and calories. Although bananas are more calories than many other fruits, they are also richer with nutrients, supplying potassium, magnesium, manganese, fiber, numerous antioxidants and vitamins A, B6 and C. Their low or medium gi can help control the level of insulin and adjust the weight, Especially for people suffering from diabetes. In addition, one study showed that the daily use of a banana reduces blood sugar levels and cholesterol in people with a high level of cholesterol. High-quality, rich in nutrients and low-calorie products, such as bananas, are vital for any healthy weight loss plan. Bananas can be used by themselves as a comfortable snack on the go or add to raw or cooked to a wide range of dishes.


Avocado is a fat, high-calum fruit grown in the warm climate. Half avocado (100 grams) contains 160 calories, which makes it one of the most calorie fruits. The same amount provides 25% of the RSNP vitamin K and 20% of folic acid. Despite the high caloric content and fat content, avocado can contribute to weight loss. In one study, 61 people with overweight adhered to a diet containing either 200 Avocado grams, or 30 grams of other fats (margarine and oil). Both groups have significantly lost weight, which indicates that avocado is a reasonable choice for those who want to lose weight. Other studies have shown that avocado use can increase the feeling of satiety, reduce appetite and increase cholesterol. In addition, a major study of American power models showed that people who spruce avocado, as a rule, adhered to a healthier nutrition, had a lower risk of metabolic syndrome and a smaller body weight than people who did not eat them. Avocado can be used instead of oil or margarine in bread and toast. You can also add them to salads, smoothies or sauces.

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