From pure sheet: 10 habits that are worth trying wishing to lose weight


Fat on the stomach is more than a nuisance, because of which your clothing seems close. This type of fat, called visceral fat, is the main risk factor of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and other states. Many health organizations use body mass index (BMI) to classify weight and predict the risk of metabolic diseases. However, this is a delusion, because people with excessive fat on the stomach are at increased risk, even if they look thin. Although losing fat in this area can be difficult, there are several things you can do to reduce excess fat in the abdominal cavity. Here are 10 effective advice, how to get rid of fat confirmed by scientific research:

Eat a lot of soluble fiber

The soluble fiber absorbs water and forms a gel that helps slow down the passage of food through the digestive system. Studies show that this type of fiber helps reduce weight, helping you feel full, so you naturally eat less. It can also reduce the number of calories consumed by your organism from food. Moreover, the soluble fiber helps to fight fat on the stomach. An observational study involving more than 1,100 adults has shown that for every 10 grams, an increase in the consumption of soluble fiber, the grease on the abdomen decreased by 3.7% for the 5-year period. Try to consume products with high fiber content every day. Excellent sources of soluble fiber include: linen seed, shirate noodles, brussels, avocado, bean, blackberry.

An observational study involving more than 1,100 adults has shown that for every 10 grams of increased consumption of the fiber-soluble, the increase in abdominal fat decreased by 3.7% over 5 years

An observational study involving more than 1,100 adults has shown that for every 10 grams of increased consumption of the fiber-soluble, the increase in abdominal fat decreased by 3.7% over 5 years


Avoid products containing trans-fats.

Trans-fats are formed by pumping hydrogen into unsaturated fats, such as soybean oil. They are contained in some margarines and spreads, as well as are often added to packed products, but many food manufacturers stopped using them. These fats were associated with inflammation, heart diseases, insulin resistance and an increase in abdominal fat in observational research and animal studies. A 6-year study showed that monkeys that ate a diet with a high content of transhirov were scored by 33% more fat in the abdominal cavity than those who adhered a diet with a high content of mono-unsaturated fats. To reduce fat on the stomach and protect your health, carefully read the labels of the ingredients and stay away from products containing transgira. They are often referred to as partially hydrogenated fats.

Do not drink too much alcohol

Alcohol in small quantities is good for health, but if you drink too much, it is harmful. Studies show that too much alcohol can cause obesity. Supervisory studies are associated with excessive alcohol consumption with a significantly increased risk of central obesity development, that is, excessive fat accumulation around the waist. Reducing alcohol use can help reduce the size of the waist. You do not need to completely refuse it, but restricting the number of drunk in one day can help. More than 2,000 people took part in the study of alcohol use. The results showed that those who drank alcohol daily, but on average he drank less than one drink per day, there was less fat on his stomach than those who saw less often, but consumed more alcohol in the days when drank.

Adhere to the high protein diet

Protein is an extremely important nutrient for weight control. High protein consumption increases Pyy completeness hormone production, which reduces appetite and promotes satiety. The protein also increases the speed of metabolism and helps to keep muscle mass during weight loss. Many observational studies show that people who eat more protein are usually less abdominal fat than those who adhere to a low protein diet. Be sure to include a good source of protein in each meal, for example: meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, whey protein, beans.

Reduce stress level

Stress can make you gain fat on the stomach, forcing adrenal glands to produce cortisol, which is also known as a hormone of stress. Studies show that the high level of cortisol increases appetite and contributes to the accumulation of fat in the abdominal cavity. Moreover, women with a big waist, as a rule, produce more cortisol in response to stress. Elevated cortisol further contributes to increasing fat. To reduce fat on the stomach, do pleasant things that take stress. The practice of yoga or meditation can be effective methods.

Do not eat a lot of sweet food

Sugar contains fructose, the excessive use of which is associated with a number of chronic diseases. These include heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity and liver disease. Supervisory studies show the relationship between high sugar consumption and increased fat content in the abdominal cavity. It is important to understand that not only refined sugar can lead to an increase in abdominal fat. Even more healthy sugar health, such as real honey, should be used economically.

Make aerobic exercises (Cardio)

Aerobic exercises (Cardio) - an effective way to improve your health and burn calories. Studies also show that this is one of the most effective forms of exercises to reduce fat on the stomach. However, the results are ambiguous as to which exercises are more useful: moderate or high intensity. In any case, the frequency and duration of your exercise program is more important than its intensity. One study has shown that women in postmenopause lied more fat in all areas when they performed aerobic exercises for 300 minutes a week, compared with those who trained 150 minutes a week.

The frequency and duration of your exercise program is more important than its intensity.

The frequency and duration of your exercise program is more important than its intensity.


Reduce carbohydrate consumption, especially refined

Reducing carbohydrate consumption can be very useful for burning fat, including abdominal. Diet containing less than 50 grams of carbohydrates per day cause loss of fat on the stomach in people with overweight, people with a risk of type 2 diabetes 2 and women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (SPKA). Optionally observe a strict low carbon diet. Some studies show that simple replacement of refined carbohydrates with unprocessed starchy carbohydrates can improve metabolic health and reduce fat on the stomach. According to the famous studies of the heart of Framingham, people with the greatest consumption of whole grain 17% are less likely to have excess fat in the abdominal cavity than those who adhered a diet with a high refined grain.

Replace some culinary fats with coconut oil

Coconut oil is one of the most useful fats that you can eat. Studies show that fats with an average chain length in coconut oil can speed up metabolism and reduce the amount of fat you are postponing in response to high calorie intake. Controlled studies show that it can also lead to the loss of abdominal fat. In one study, a man with obesity, which daily accepted coconut oil for 12 weeks, lost an average of 2.86 cm in the waist without intentional changes to their diet or exercise mode. Nevertheless, the evidence of the benefits of coconut oil for the weight loss of abdominal fat are weak and contradictory. In addition, keep in mind that coconut oil is very calorie. Instead of adding extra fats in your diet, replace some fats that you already eat, coconut oil.

Perform exercise with burdens

Training with burdens, also known as weight lifting or power training, are important for the preservation and set of muscle mass. Based on research involving people with prediabet, type 2 diabetes and obesity of the liver, exercise with burdensions can also be useful for weight loss. In fact, one study involving adolescents with overweight has shown that the combination of power training and aerobic exercises led to the greatest decrease in visceral fat. If you decide to raise weights, it is recommended to consult with a certified personal coach.

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