Detox organ: how to support the liver, if the holiday is planned


It will soon begin the time of spring holidays, when the majority will go beyond the city in order to have a good time in nature - it is simply impossible to stay in good weather. But the holidays, as we know, in addition to the positive, bring health problems. The liver is most of all, which is the main blow from toxins. How to prevent premature destruction or at least help the most important body cope with such a load? Let's find out.

Menu correction

If you know that it is already very soon to go "harmful" to rest, start preparing for this day using the menu correction: a week before and all week after holidays, try to keep the most healthy lifestyle, for this completely eliminate roasted and fat dishes, try to do Without smoked and large quantities, and of course - no alcohol. Diversity menus with low-fat white fish, olive oil and pumpkin seeds that contain substances that help the liver recover. At the same event, try not to lean on sturdy alcohol and sharp dishes - so you will alleviate the load on and so suffering.

For a while, give up heavy food

For a while, give up heavy food


Keep the water balance

As you know, the water is always necessary - it is important to prevent dehydration, since toxins are displayed only with the fact that you are helping the body every day not to lose moisture. If you find it difficult to drink standard two liters, try to drink at least half of the liter in small portions throughout the day. The liver will be much easier to cope with the stream of toxins if you do not forget to grab a bottle of non-carbonated water. Remember that tea and coffee, like carbonated drinks, cannot replace simple clean water.

More activity

The body is easier to maintain the metabolism in active state if you give it a physical activity daily. It is not necessary to disappear in the gym, enough and a long walk in calm mode. This rule is suitable not only for those days when you overload the liver of heavy food, but also at normal time. Together with the right nutrition, physical activity gives simply incredible results - the liver will suffer much less.

Be careful with medications

Many do not attach the meanings to this moment, but the reception of some drugs can hardly hit the liver, and you may not even understand the cause. On holidays, the risk of pain rises several times, so with a high probability you will take with you painkillers. IMPORTANT: In no case do not eat painful agents immediately after the feast, where alcohol was present. It is necessary to wait at least 12 hours. If pain is tormented by you constantly, consult a specialist who will select a soft tool, it will not destroy the liver cells and will not cause irritation of the stomach.

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