Why is the body afraid of the gym?


Famous Russian doctor, doctor of medical sciences, professor, author of unique methods of treatment and correction of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and books about a healthy longevity Sergey Bubnovsky - about how to live long and happily without medication, to be active and self-confident man.

- Sergey Mikhailovich, in your next book it is said about the undoubted benefits of sports loads for the body, no one is a secret. But still, the better to do - aerobics, fitness or yoga?

- As the ancient Greeks said, "the best treatment is prevention." And therefore, since childhood, you need to take the need to perform gymnastics as well as brushing your teeth, wash and walk to the bath. Nowadays, when people live with a computer "in an embrace", it becomes a superactual problem. Make a young man or a girl to tear away from the computer is very difficult. Aerobics, fitness or yoga are excellent preventive health classes, but I will list you three types of existing wellness loads that are the main.

Aerobic exercises To which you can attribute running, walking, swimming, bike. Loads allow you to train your heart, its rhythm, endurance, maintain blood circulation is normal, improve the nervous system.

The following exercises are Flexion in the lower back and stretching exercises . There are special simulators in the kinesitherapy hall, which perfectly stretch the muscles and bundles in dynamic mode.

And the third level of mandatory physical exertion is, of course, Power exercises . Tightening, push, squats. Exercises on simulators, with dumbbells, with hihs, with a barbell. Exercises on the simulators allow in a comfortable mode to activate the muscles in order to restore to the norm so that the body does not hung "on the bones", "not wrinkled", despite age. When it hangs is cellulite, and when it is dry, wrinkled is a lack of "living" weight, that is, muscles and vessels.

- And in order to deal with your technique, have any age limitations? Maybe someone else to go to the gym?

- I had a patient - 85 years. She had so fragile bones and joints that she had enough to sneeze every once to break something. I began to study in the hall under my leadership and began to behave much more active in my life, it became a sponge to paint, the eyes shoot. Sooner or later, everyone comes to any gymnastics, just need to listen to your body.

- How many times a week you need to do? Is there any optimal number of hours when it is better to do - in the morning or evening?

Everything should be joy. No need to perform exercises "on the teeth", because sooner or later the psyche will fail, the person will refuse to do something at all. Exercises need to be performed to sweat and receive pleasure from it, it is quite sufficient norm. Comfortable exercise mode - from 40 minutes to an hour, and you need to do at least three times a week. For example, my norm is an hour a day daily.

Time - there are larks and owls. There are active hours, there are passive, there are neutral. In any case, the one who got worried in the morning, all day is free, the main thing that needs to be remembered is the skipping lessons reduce the effect of previous ones. And each should choose for themselves the mode that allows him for at least three times a week to perform a large amount of exercises: both aerobic, and stretching, and strengths.

- Sometimes you look like in the gym. People raise great gravity, counting the load is normal for their spine. Isn't it harmful, and what particular sports are harmful?

- It is harmful to the spine to carry some cargoes in their hands, especially in one. If you really drag, then in two at once. For example, before in the villages it was customary to wear water on a rocker, it made it possible to maintain uniform, without distortion, load on the spine. I consider it harmful to the spine jumping with a parachute, ski jumping from a springboard, ride on the car off-road. That is, all actions associated with blows and vibrations. For example, figure skating, where many jumps and twists, can lead to serious problems with the spine. Running on asphalt in dots on a flat sole or in sports slippers, and not in a special running shoe.

And any sports load in the hall with proper preparation and rehabilitation and with good back muscles is not harmful.

- Many women gladly took into service your methods of sports loads, because it allows you to quickly lose weight. And pleased to inform you that for three lessons we lost weight - who is five, and who is eight kilograms.

- If women lose such a number of kilograms for three classes, it means that there is a lot of "water" in it, a very weak body, which instantly "is token." I can say that the next three kilograms can lose the rest of your life, but not to lose. In general, it does not recommend to get drunk for weight loss. A sharp weight loss can cause severe asthenic syndrome, overall exhaustion, accompanied by apatine or deep depression. It is harmful to lose weight when in intensive classes do not eat well. I always recommend finishing protein-food classes. Therefore, it is not necessary to get involved in rapid weight due to the nutritional limitation. It is best to sweat in the hall, sweat during aerobic exercises, burning a kilogram per kilogram.

- If a person began to do without special intensive loads, but still began to lose weight quickly, it can be said that he is generally unhealthy. Maybe you first have a survey?

- You can hand over blood for tests, but I generally opponent unnecessary surveys, because they can be in a dead end. It is necessary to find an experienced fitness instructor who knows how to restore the body of a person, the muscle behind the muscle, the joint for the joint, feeding his badges to which I relate amino acid kits. These are pure amino acids from which proteins consist, and they are absorbed by the body after exercise ten thousand times better than an ordinary piece of meat.

By the way, the rapid relief of weight in women often occurs because of the habit of drinking diuretic tea. But I would not advise to apply teas with unknown reputations with a laxative or diuretic effect, because dehydration, demineralization is one of the most terrible ailments, of which it is difficult to get out. It is harmful to kidneys and bones. Water-salt balance is broken. Osteoporosis develops. And no exercises will help here.

- You said that you need to play sports at least three times a week and finish the sessions to the sauna. And many doctors say that for vessels, frequent saunas visits are harmful ...

- If a person is engaged in simulators daily, that is, he has a high metabolism in these days and, of course, the work of capillaries is sharply increasing, and in this case, it is impossible to think better for their cleansing. But emphasizes - a wet sauna, and not dry, that is, it is necessary during the procedure to throw water on the stones, thereby creating a high humidity that helps sweating, and therefore purification of the skin and capillaries from the same lactic acid and a number of other metabolic products. But you need to finish the steam procedure with a cold shower with your head. This is a prerequisite. And only the cold shower protects from so dangerous for overheating vessels.

- All doctors say that with loads need to drink a lot of fluid. And what if you don't want to drink?

- oddly it sounds, some of the problems associated with the spine and joints are caused by the insufficient number of drinking regime. People with insufficient drinking mode must be created correct motivation. The main motivation is the disease. You need to drink water with loads even without a feeling of thirst, just one throat of water after exercise. The fact is that the implementation of each exercise is required to accompany the exhalation, at which there is at least a minor, but the loss of water, primarily the brain vessels. Dehydration is accompanied by a sharp fatigue, dizziness, exacerbation of headaches and even faint. The main volume of water should be drunk in the first half of the day. Consumption of water-containing fruits and vegetables is also useful: watermelons, melons, grapes, pear.

- Often, people complain that after physical exertion they have a psychological muscular clamp. What it is? How to get rid of it?

- Under the psychological clamp, I understand an inadequate psychological response from impressionable and disruption after they come to the hall for the first time. During this period, new muscular pain appear, and together with them - a complex of fear of each new occupation. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to breathe and end each activity with a contrasting shower or sauna. This will free from psychological clamps, which lead to a state of rigidity and inability to relax. In general, I think that with all the psychological states that cause some spasms, fears, clamps, you need to go to the gym and do there until the seventh sweat. But, unfortunately, many routine run to a doctor who prescribes tranquilizers, antidepressants instead of exercise. Gradually, a person with a "psychological clamp" is immersed in the abyss of inferiority and inability to relax at all. Begins to take different drugs, up to alcohol, and becomes a mentally ill-treatment. To break such a person with pills easily, because it is the tranquilizers and antidepressants that tear the brain connection with muscles. This is a dead end, which ultimately will gradually lead to brain atrophy, dementia or psychstay. Choose what you like ...

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