Top 5 unexpected lots of hangover


Headache, feeling of nausea and dizziness - only a few symptoms of the "Lucky" feast. However, experts advise not to despair - some products will really be able to help overcome a hangover in a couple of hours.

Ice cream

Do not be surprised, but your favorite delicacy can really become your medicine. Low temperature seal activates the work of the body's immune system responsible for combating infections and potential hazards, one of which is cold. Exchange processes are accelerated, which contributes to the rapid removal of ethanol decay products from the body. Experts advise you to choose a filling without additives, but we think that any ice cream will effectively with your favorite taste. The more milk in it, the better - bifidobacteria restore the intestinal operation, which is especially necessary after a dense meal.

Interesting fact: In 2016, ice cream began to sell in South Korea with the name "Fight!". The manufacturers of delicacy promised that the juice of a candy tree would help quickly overcome a hangover. We think that Asians can be trusted - no wonder many people recipes came from the east.

Choose a seal or fruit ice

Choose a seal or fruit ice



The rhizomes of the plant contains many useful trace elements - ascorbic acid, carotene, potassium and vitamins of group V. Doctors are advised to make tea from ginger: finely grate 2-3 cm root on a large grater, add a few robel lemon and orange to the kettle. The mixture is brewed with boiling water for 10-15 minutes and let it stand for half an hour. To sweeten tea, you can add a few tablespoons of honey. Hot drink will help speed up the digestion and give the diuretic effect. We advise you to drink it every hour on a circle during the day - in the evening you will be "Bedryachkom."

Brew tea with ginger and citrus

Brew tea with ginger and citrus



Alcohol is flushes potassium from the body - from a lack of a trace element there is airsdown after a party. Banana is one of the leaders among potassium content: 348 mg per 100 grams of the product. A little less than him in pineapple, kiwi, apricot and apples. Also, potassium are rich in berries: grapes, cherry, currants, blackberry. Among other things, the banana is a folk remedy for nausea, which really helps to overcome the disease. We offer to make a useful smoothie of fruits: In the blender, beat pieces of banana, kiwi, apples with kefir or milk - there is a low fatness percentage and great content useful for bifidobacterium organism. The drink will help you to restore the forces by increasing blood sugar levels. True, they should not be abused - one glass is enough, otherwise it will give an increased load on the liver and the pancreas.

Banana smoothie - Great breakfast

Banana smoothie - Great breakfast


Low-salted fish

Black bread sandwiches and weakly salted fish - the national chief recipe from the hangover. For such a non-standard dish, they use herring fillets. In our opinion, as an alternative, a weakly saline salmon or trout is suitable - it is also rich in useful omega-3 fats and protein. Cut a slice of bread and dry it in a toaster or on a dry frying pan - dried bread better helps from nausea. It adsorbs toxins in the body and displays them. From above, put a few pieces of fish and eat a sandwich. Do not smear the bread with butter - the fish is sufficiently impregnated with them.

The Germans know the felt: Fish will get rid of hangover

The Germans know the felt: Fish will get rid of hangover



Spinach, like another greens, rich in potassium, retinol, folic and ascorbic acid. These trace elements in a short time are struggling with a hangover, quickly deriving a stagnant fluid from the body. Doctors advise to combine spinach in dishes with eggs - they are also useful when hangover due to the high protein content. For example, make the scrambled eggs - an excellent breakfast option. If you do not like spinach, replace it with dill, parsley or lettuce leaves. Another breakfast option is a salad of greens with tomatoes, cucumber, Bulgarian pepper and avocado. The tomatoes and pepper contain useful ascorbic acid, in avocado - potassium, and the cucumber almost completely consists of water, which will speed up the exchange.

Spinach Salad - Vitamin Dose

Spinach Salad - Vitamin Dose


Do not forget to combine useful products with plentiful drinking - suitable as water with lemon, herbs champs and fermented milk products - milk, kefir, rippy and dr. Additionally, do not forget to take activated carbon - it absorbs toxins. With a strong ailment, consult a doctor.

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