Russian bath heales the body and spirit


The first mention of Slavic baths in written sources is dated from the century. In the "Tale of Bygone Years" says: "I saw Divo in the Slavic Earth ... I saw the baths wooden, and they will sing them strongly, and they will undead and will be naked, and they will share the kvass leather, and ragged young and beat themselves, and before You will be happy that we barely get out, slightly alive. "

Our ancestors believed that the purpose of the bath was not so much body cleansing, but the cleansing of the soul. Slavic peoples, she was almost a sacred place. It was believed that the sauna unites four main natural elements - fire, water, air and land. Flying into the steam room, a man absorbed their powerful strength, which means that the heroic health. It is not surprising that in the ancient Russia Banya was practically in every home. It was treated once a week, on Saturdays that were traditionally considered bath days, that is, not workers, but intended exclusively for rest and relaxation. But the large public baths were especially valued, where they went not only for the sake of washing, but for the sake of steam and rest.

In the XV-XVII century, the baths went to the bath with the whole family. Aliens extremely surprised such freedom of morals. In their general opinion, the Russians were "completely deprived of false shame." And only with Catherine, the Great Senate Decree was forbidden to wash men together with women, and children over seven years were offered to led into their separation - in sexual sign.

An important role of the bath was playing not only in the issue of hygiene. In fact, it was a real sacrament, without which there was no important event in family life. For example, on the eve of the wedding of the bride's girlfriend, it was sure to steal it in the bath, the bride and groom sent here the next day. It was believed that it should provide them with a happy joint life and numerous offspring. By the way, the childbirth also often passed in the bath.

Keepers of traditions

Modern bath procedures are not just a pleasant pastime in a good company. This is a separate area of ​​spas care, combining the original Russian traditions with modern comfort. Of course, you can go to the city "in the bathhouse", but if you do not have time, a full-fledged bath care "in Russian" can be obtained in a metropolis. By the way, it is for business people that the bath is not just useful, but absolutely necessary.

"A Russian bath must be attended at least once a week, as our ancestors did, and ideally, given the ecology of the metropolis, twice," says Oleg Naumkin, the author of the program "Mystery of Langu", a spa aestheticist in the body, a specialist with twenty-year-olds Work experience in the club concerns about yourself Bontabelle. - Regular visits to the bath increases immunity, cleanses the body, nourishes the skin. By the way, the bath can really be considered a family club. This is happening in our club, where they come in pairs, families, children. This is not surprising: schoolchildren due to a sedentary lifestyle are required to periodically undergo a massage course in order to prevent scoliosis. And in combination with bath procedures, it is much more efficient. We love our job and know how to make you look and felt good. And we assist in this not only the last achievements in the field of aesthetics and medicine, but also the traditions of our ancestors, who perfectly had knowledge of the healing properties of the baths and medicinal herbs. So, Bontabelle offers a comprehensive author's program "The Mystery of Language". Just one session will return to you a good mood, will remove fatigue and stress that residents of the metropolis are so subject. The program is based on a combination of bath procedures with massage sessions, wraps and spa treatments. The program also includes wrapping with salt and lime honey, which feeds the skin and saturates the active elements, and completes the complex massage with the oils of the Hyveric and sea buckthorn. Moreover, in the method of massage, the emphasis is placed on the old Slavonic traditions (the use of the so-called elbow technique). Since an individual and careful approach is practiced in the club to each client, the number of procedures and their duration are determined depending on many factors - age, health status, lifestyle, features of the body. "

General indications for visiting the baths include: chronic respiratory diseases, hypotension and transient stage of hypertension, vegetative vascular disorders, violation of fat metabolism (obesity), chronic gastrointestinal tract disorders, chronic inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal The apparatus, chronic skin diseases and the urogenital system. These wonders occur in a bath with joints and ligaments. Updated a broom, warmth and contrasting souls cause redistribution in the body of blood and lymph, improving their circulation, which speeds up the course of rehabilitation processes. Therefore, the bath is an effective means for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Drill a broom

What is the difference between the Russian bath from the Finnish sauna? Humidity and, of course, temperature. The usual moisture on the street is from 40 to 70%, it is 3-8% in the sauna, and in the Russian bath - about 60%. But the air temperature in the Russian bath reaches 55-70 degrees, which is almost twice lower than in the sauna. The thermal conductivity of wet air is much higher than dry, therefore, in the Russian bath, the body heats up as deeply as possible, but in less aggressive conditions for the body.

Another difference between the Russian bath - the presence of old good brooms.

Let's start with a birch broom - undoubtedly, the king of the Russian bath. It has a soft, but at the same time a deep cleansing effect, contributes to the removal of slags from the body. Such a broom is an excellent "doctor" for people suffering from kidney diseases and bronchial asthma, as it contributes to the removal of sputum, expanding bronchi, improves the ventilation of the lungs. A worthy analogue of a birch broom - an alder, whose leaves are perfectly adhered to the body, which means that sweat absorbed, shoes and toxins are removed, have a beneficial effect on the skin. Its healing properties are manifested in the prevention of articular diseases and the musculoskeletal system.

Oak brooms are known primarily by their anti-inflammatory properties, since they contain a large number of essential oils and tanning substances. They perfectly tone the skin, indispensable for skin diseases, as well as with severe sweating.

Such brooms are recommended to people who have oily skin, hypertensive and cores, they perfectly soothe the nervous system and reduce blood pressure.

In the season of colds, there will be an indispensable lime broom. This is a wonderful coogent, excellent "charging" for kidneys and urinary tract. For lovers of acute sensations, you can try coniferous broom, such as fir, cedar or spruce. Although in fact, if this "accessory" is correctly processed, you will not feel any discomfort. But he has a lot of advantages: excellent prevention of cold and infectious diseases (all types of coniferous brooms are considered natural antibiotics), with its help treat diseases of blood circulation, radiculitis, joint pain, neuralgia. Fir oil, highlighted during a coniferous broom massage, is an excellent psychostimulator. And the juniper broom loves women for its anti-cellulite properties (the fight against cellulite contributes to the strengthening of blood flow in subcutaneous tissue).

"Juniper brooms have a bactericidal effect, a warming effect, similar to sports balm," says Oleg Naumkin. - This is an excellent agent for the treatment of radiculitis, neuralgia, paralysis, rheumatism, gout, influenza prevention and colds. Juniper brooms can not be prepared to prepare. They should always be fresh. In order to maximize the beneficial properties of the broom, I splash it with warm water, wrapped in polyethylene and leave in a warm place for two or three hours. In the program "The Mystery of the Lady" I use alternately three types of brooms - oak, spruce and juniper. Each of them has its medicinal properties. The obligatory item of the program is the original peeling: chamomile oil is applied to the body with the addition of poppy seeds. Thanks

Round shape of poppy grains, exfoliation is powered by soft, not injured skin. After such a peeling, the skin acquires smoothness and healthy color. "

Specialists who know the sense in the brooms are necessarily added to them in several twigs of various therapeutic and fragrant herbs, such as Pijm, wormwood, mint, Melissa, Cyprus, Yarrow. For example, wormwood filling with a steppe aroma, as hand removes fatigue, nervous and muscle tension, improves sleep.

Bath rules

It is important to remember: the first approach to the bath lasts literally a couple of minutes - so that the body is used

To a couple. If the sweating does not occur, the cup of herbal tea with honey helps - and the thermoregulation process is started. After leaving the steps, a warm shower is required, but in no case is not cold.

When the body is prepared, you can bathe. Slightly waving a broom and barely touching the skin, the specialist passes several times along the body, as if blowing the hot breeze. After "boosting" follows a leisurely stroking. Broom periodically raise up

Where the air temperature is higher and shaken. Body stroking alternates with overlooking - with light sliding blows. The broom sweeps up and, capturing hot air, falls on the body, rises again and pressed to the body for two to four seconds. This "compress" is especially useful for pain in muscles and radiculitis. Well, what kind of Russian bath without lime (lip) urine,

Made from the inner layer of the linden bark?! Like a broom, it was brewed in warm water. After breaking, it becomes soft and helps to clean the skin perfectly. The entire surface of the scroll is covered with the smallest verses whose thickness is commensurate with the magnitude of human pores. Therefore, the flakes rolled not only the scraper and massages, but also clean the pores. In addition, the fibers allocate phytoncides during washing, and this is the best means against microbes.

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