Feet on the road: about beauty and ease


And the care of foot footsteps, even at home - not only a pleasant procedure, relieving fatigue, but also the opportunity to bring their legs to perfection. After all, it is for perfection that every one of us seeks in trifles!

They are tired

Feet, especially female, gradually experienced tremendous loads. It is at the foot by the foot of the human body, and heels - favorite female seduction weapons - additionally enhance this load. Under the influence of body weight, the skin of the stop is gradually compacted, becomes coarse, easily dries, turns on hopes and dry corners, cracks ... All this takes out the ease of gait, gives a feeling of fatigue, and "opens the doors" by various infections that use every crack in the skin to penetrate deep into and arrange trouble. Our feet are tired, and our beauty and health in danger! What to do?

Select Glatte

Fortunately, experienced specialists in the field of skin care stops have already taken care of the beauty and health of our legs. Especially for girls who know a lot for themselves, they developed a fundamentally new Glatte line - innovative means to preserve the beauty and health of the skin stop. The Glatte line is three options for gentle cream foam and one traditional cream, the action of which is directed to the lowest possible and long-term moisturizing the skin of the stop.

All Glatte ruler means are so effective that they are sold only in pharmacies - and it is logical, because these are real "savors" of the skin stop. Their composition includes the strongest natural humidifiers, actively healing micro-damage D-panthenol and alleviating skin allantoin.

Also as part of the funds - natural extracts of mountain arnica and a horsetail, increasing the strength of collagen fibers, which create "frame" of our skin. But from the addition of dyes and flavors, the creators of the Glatte ruler refused, since these artificial substances can cause allergies.

Photobank: Depositphotos.

Photobank: Depositphotos.

To each his own

The developers of innovative skin care care products created four different means, since home care can be sent to solve various tasks. Depending on the problem, the composition of the means varies.

So, for daily preventive care optimal cream foam Glatte Basic. It will not give the skin of the stop to overweight and protect it from dehydration.

With already excessive dry skin of the skin and small cracks, Cream-foam Glatte Intensive will come to the rescue, which will provide an excellent moisturizing effect.

If the knife or dry corn on the skin was formed on the skin, the Glatte Extra cream foam will help them, designed specifically for therapeutic care.

And the universal cream Glatte is focused on those who love more dense textures, including for skin care.

Each of us will certainly find in the line of innovative facilities for skin care Glatte its own. So our legs will soon become impeccable and even more charming!

Instead of pre-school

... And we can be less likely to resort to the services of the Pedicure Master. After all, the time of the modern woman is valued by the weight of gold!

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