Stay summer: 4 recipes smoothie without harm to the waist


Agree, after dinner, it often visits a sense of hunger, but a new portion of fish or rice will already add several hundred grams on the hips. Hungry before bedtime is also not an option. In this case, the best solution will be a superstar cocktail from fruits and protein products. Today we have collected the most delicious and useful recipes of smoothies to maintain an excellent form. Deliver a blender, today you cook a stunning drink!

Carrot-apple smoothie

Both products contain almost a dozen vitamins and minerals necessary for proper digestion and maintain tone. If you are not a big fan of vegetable drinks, add more apples, and the carrots take only one. For the preparation of a smoothie, in addition to fruits and vegetables, you will need mineral water, but water should be selected with caution, since the excess of salts and minerals can adversely affect the most vulnerable organs. Try to use water with minimal salts. Slowing into the cocktail apple, do not remove the peel from it - there is a lot of useful in it. We mix everything in the blender, optionally you can add half a banana for greater nutrition.

Malnovo-mint smoothie

Fans of berry tastes We offer to try a raspberry smoothie with the addition of mint and beets. Yes, yes, beets - an important ingredient, do not hurry to frown. You will need about 150 grams of boiled beet, 70 grams of raspberries and a small bundle of fresh mint. Dilute vegetables and berries are better sour juice, for example, cranberry. You can decorate a glass of an extra mint twig.

Try new tastes

Try new tastes


Orange-inherbid smoothie

Citrus fans will not accurately pass by, the more recipe implies the addition of fresh berries. Blueberries in itself an incredibly useful product that helps improve the digestion and has a rather active effect relative to the splitting of fats. An additional plus of blueberries is its ability to maintain their beneficial properties even after a long freeze. For the preparation, we will need about 100 grams of fresh or frozen blueberries, as much as the orange pulp and natural yogurt without additives. Mixing all the ingredients in the blender, you will get a beautiful dessert or an excellent addition to breakfast. Try!

Coffee smoothie

One of the favorite drinks of every second resident of the big city. But why not experiment and do not prepare a refreshing coffee drink? We will need 50 ml. Freshly brewed coffee, 3 tablespoons of cottage cheese, on doing you can add yogurt without additives, half a banana and a teaspoon of coconut chips. We mix the ingredients and put the drink in the refrigerator for an hour. By the way, the coffee smoothie will have to do your guests who are also followed by the figure.

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