Signs that you have time to leave


The work is undoubtedly important. However, much more importantly distribute your time to take a time-out time on time. A small break will allow you to return to the workplace with new forces and the "fresh" head. We collected the main signs that "hint" that it is time for you on vacation.

You start losing interest in what is happening around

As soon as stress develops into chronic, it is worth thinking - how long have you rested? Burning - the most frequent "illegal" office workers who are accustomed to working in monotonous mode Many hours in a row. As a result: Full apathy, headache, desire to get home from the office and that's all. Try to break out of the routine until the nervous breakdown or additional chronic diseases have earned.

Stress should not be abstracted into chronic

Stress should not be abstracted into chronic


Sleep to you does not go

Unstable sleep is a clear sign of stress. When a person constantly holds future transactions in his head, he thinks how to find new customers, in such a state it is difficult to relax, because of which the brain works in non-stop mode around the day. Allow yourself to relax at least a few days to establish sleep and bring thoughts in order.

From personal life you have to give up

Relatives arrange family holidays, and you once again have to abandon? Review your schedule. Undoubtedly, you are a valuable specialist, however, relationships with family and his second half require the same work as the other areas of life, so donate the weeks of ordinary work to devote as much time as possible to parents at the cottage or go to the brother's family.

You started allowing more mistakes than usual

Of course, everything is mistaken, but if you started mistakenly and in elementary things, for example, confuse the key from the mailbox with a key from the apartment, there is a reason to think about whether it is too deeply immersed in the workflow.

burnout faces each of us if not listening to your body

burnout faces each of us if not listening to your body


It becomes difficult for you to joke and understand the jokes

You begin to understand that the sense of humor stuck, is not so funny from friends jokes and, in general - I do not want to have fun. Stress also affects a sense of humor, which cannot be lost under any circumstances, therefore, as soon as possible, exclude all the disturbing situations and make it possible to establish inner harmony.

Take time to me

Take time to me


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