How to prepare for pregnancy: Tips for future mothers


Pregnancy is a wonderful time in the life of any woman. And in fact: what can be compared with the exciting expectation of the miracle? However, it is not necessary to forget that the tooling and birth of a child requires the mobilization of all the forces of the female organism. That is why already during the pregnancy planning phase it is necessary to take certain measures.

It is no secret that the key to the successful course of pregnancy and light labor is the proper nutrition of a woman at all stages of this complex period, including during planning. What do nutritionists say about this?

Nutrition recommendations that are given to women planning a child are quite standard. In general, a woman may not change the usual diet. It is important only to get rid of harmful food habits, and also ensure that the power is useful and balanced. It is imperative to include fruits and vegetables in the daily menu - an invaluable source of vitamins and other beneficial substances. Also in the diet, milk and dairy products must be present: they helps prevent the lack of calcium in the body of a pregnant woman. If a woman adhered to any specific food style, for example, it was a vegetarian, then at the pregnancy planning stage, it is still worth changing the usual diet. The use of an animal protein contained in meat, seafood, fish and eggs is necessary to maintain the forces and energy balance of the body, which is preparing to the difficult test. It is the animal protein that contains an amino acid indispensable for a person, to synthesize which the body is not capable and therefore they can only come with food.


It is necessary to use products rich in fiber, as this significantly reduces the risk of constipation and hemorrhoids during pregnancy. In addition to the already mentioned vegetables and fruits, the fiber is contained in cereals, whole-grain flour products, legumes. A lot of greenery, by the way, is not only fiber, but also the living enzymes needed to digest protein food.

In the diet of a woman planning to become a mom, the products must be present - sources of omega 3 unsaturated fatty acids. This is a sea fish (first of all mackerel, herring, tuna, trout, pike), corn, fried, olive or linseed oil, avocado, walnuts. The total volume of fats consumed should not exceed 10% of the daily diet. Therefore, it is extremely important to use useful fats by reducing the use of harmful (saturated fats, transhira and holistrine) to a minimum. These harmful substances are primarily contained in such a favorite "food garbage": fastfood, confectionery, etc.


Special attention should be paid to the mass of the body. It is known that women suffering from obesity are harder to get pregnant. Pregnancy they usually take place harder, the complications are more often developed, the process of the delivery is difficult. For women with body mass index, more than 30, even a small weight loss contributes to a significant increase in the chances of conception and a healthy course of pregnancy. At the same time, it is impossible to forget that the period of weight loss is also stressful for the body. Therefore, the problem of excess weight should be taken long before the occurrence of pregnancy. Of course, it is worth abandoning the use of products that contribute to the rapid collection of weight and do not bring any benefit for the body (Fast Food, skimmed products, carbonated drinks, flour and confectionery).


It is also important to use a sufficient amount of water. It is enough to calculate it quite easily - 35 ml per 1 kg of weight. This is a daily rate necessary for a person. If tea, coffee, juices, lemonades are used as a drink, then you should remember that our body perceives them as food. Accordingly, these drinks take water from the body. If you drank one cup of tea, you need to add two additional water mugs by daily rate.

At the same time, in order to avoid a fluid delay in the body - problems extremely common during pregnancy - one should minimize the use of salts, as well as sharp, smoked and salty products.

Extremely useful for the body of a pregnant woman is folic acid. It is known that women suffering from a lack of folic acid increase the risk of the child's birth with a defect of the nervous tube and develops diseases incompatible with life. Folic acid should be started to take all women planning pregnancy, in addition to the usual diet. Continue the reception of folic acid costs up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. The dosage of folic acid must be specified with the doctor.

Needless to say, from drinking alcohol should be abstained.

Separate attention deserves nutrition of the future dad. It should also be balanced: because the quality of sperm depends on it. Spermatozoa maturation occurs, like red blood cells, for three months. Therefore, the future fathers should also think about their health and proper nutrition. It is important to eat products rich in selenium and zinc (for example, red meat, liver, nuts, etc.). A man during this period must be tried to adhere to the principles of healthy nutrition and abandon bad habits.

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