Nothing superfluous: how to keep harmony at low mobility


In the past couple of months, we had to reduce physical activity, which, undoubtedly, affects the figure. However, the decrease in physical activity is not yet a reason to despair - just adhere to the advice that will help support the figure in good condition so that you are willing to the summer season.

Rule # 1: We start the day from the water

First of all, after you wake up, you need to drink a glass of warm water, which will help run all the necessary processes. After half an hour, you can proceed to breakfast. In no case do not skip the first meal, as the extra weight is a frequent problem of people who skip breakfast. An ideal breakfast can be considered natural cottage cheese, porridge on water and boiled eggs. Balanced meals will allow to hold out without snacks to the lunch itself.

Rule # 2: Vegetables for lunch

Nutritionists and fitness coaches strongly recommend starting lunch with a portion of fresh vegetables in a salad. The fiber will allow you to preserve the feeling of satiety for a longer period. Use as refueling for salad olive oil instead of vegetable to avoid a burst of cholesterol.

Rule # 3: Observe the water mode

Limited to one glass of water in the morning - direct path to excess weight. Our body on average needs one and a half liters of water a day, especially now, when we are moving little and more often. Coffee and tea will cause a fluid delay in the body, which will come out in the form of cellulite, with which it is not so easy to fight. Put the task of drinking 8 glasses of water during the day, you will not notice how it will be your useful habit.

Do not miss breakfast

Do not miss breakfast


Rule # 4: "No" late dinner

Even if you lie down after midnight, the last meal must occur at a maximum of 8 pm. Closer to night, the body begins to prepare for sleep, which means resources for food processing less, so even a small sandwich will give you away from the body of dreams for a couple of weeks. Do not risk.

Rule # 5: Arrange unloading days

Of course, not everyone can adhere to the principles of proper nutrition continuously. Sometimes breakdowns happen, for example, when meeting with friends for pizza. There is nothing wrong with that, in this case, arrange a fasting day at week when you eat in one type of product, such as buckwheat or vegetables. But do not get carried away - you can arrange unloading days a couple of times a month.

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