Question of the day: about diet and proper nutrition


I try to lose weight, we eat only innocent cottage cheese and low-calorie yogurts. But my mom scares me that there will be no sense from such a diet, and if I even lose weight, I will soon gain it again. Is it so?

Natalia Sushko.

Your mom is in something right. The main thing is when you sit on the diet, you must correctly balance your food. Clean proteins are present in your diet, there is absolutely carbon. This is not true. Our body needs and carbohydrates, without them and fiber is impossible to build a single diet. Many refuse carbohydrates believing that they are only contained in baking, bread and a bug. Without these carbohydrates, we, you can do without these carbohydrates. But carbohydrates containing fiber that is so necessary to our organism is contained in vegetables and fruits. Especially a lot of them in the rope, cabbage, cabbage broccoli, radish, radish. Our body needs a fiber, as it absorbs excess sugar. In balanced nutrition, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be 1: 1: 4 (1 to 1 to 4). That is, picking up food for yourself, a diet just calculate how much a day you consume protein, fats and carbohydrates. Moreover, in almost the packages of all products, information is given as in this product protein, fats and carbohydrates.

I lost weight, apparently from the experiences. But now I am more concerned about the question of how to save this weight in the norm?


It is necessary that the delimited power mode is: breakfast, lunch, dinner. It is necessary three or four times a day. With that because of the table, it is necessary to get up without referring, but on the contrary, with a sense of easy hunger. In total, the total calories per day should not exceed 2180-2000 kilocalories. It is necessary to drink a lot, not less than 1.5-2 liters per day.

I know that a person needs a protein, it is contained in meat, but I can't make myself either meat or bird. What should I do?

Svetlana Poroshin

Proteins are also contained in fish, there are vegetable proteins - it is beans, peas, soy. Practically in any porridge you can get protein. You can also use dairy products - cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, sour cream.

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