How to help vessels to avoid "spring swings"


What is blood pressure (hell)? When the heart is reduced and throws blood in artery, they create pressure, thanks to which blood flows throughout the body and delivers oxygen and nutrients into all its cells. Normal upper arterial pressure should not exceed 140 mm Hg, normal lower blood pressure should not rise above 90 mm Hg.

Increased blood pressure. More than 40 percent of Russians over 18 years old suffer from increased arterial pressure, which leads to hypertension. Doctors argue that today is the most common cardiovascular disease and the most dangerous, as a person may not even guess his presence. Hypertension can lead to a brain stroke or myocardial infarction. The risk group includes people with high body weight, smokers, lovers to drink and eat something salty, having a hereditary predisposition and over the age of 35.

Reduced blood pressure. A sharp decrease in blood pressure is also very dangerous. Blood supply is broken, primarily suffering from the brain. The hypotoniki meteo-dependent, and their well-being will noticeably deteriorate when changing the weather.

Specialists advise with a short reduction or increase pressure be sure to lie down. If necessary, call "ambulance".

People suffering from pressure jumps should measure hell in the morning and in the evening. In time to contact the specialists for help and take appropriate drugs, often for life.

Vladimir Radionenko

Vladimir Radionenko

Vladimir Radionenko, doctor of the Higher Category, Cardiovascular Surgeon, Flabog:

- The most natural training for vessels - walking, walking. Ideally, a healthy person should do ten thousand steps every day or go through five kilometers. Start Slowly and go through as much as you can. It is important to understand that it is necessary to walk, even if the legs hurt. To get a maximum benefit from exercises, go barefoot on the grass. In the conditions of the apartment you can walk on special massage mats.

If a person has venous insufficiency, it is recommended to wear compression knitwear, stockings, tights, bandages. It is possible to help the outflow of venous blood and passively: if you lie, the legs are better to put on the hill. In order to under the action of gravity, the blood still returned to the heart. The contrasting shower also trains the vessels perfectly. It is not recommended to get involved in pairs - saunas, baths, hot baths. In addition, it should be limited to consumption of oily, salty and acute foods, coffee, alcoholic beverages, try to quit smoking.

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