Strong spirit since childhood: what physical activity is needed by kid


Every parent wants his child to be the most healthy and happy. For this, it is necessary from the very early age to select physical activity for the baby, taking into account the peculiarities of development. Today we decided to figure out how to develop a child, taking into account age and do not harm a small little man.

3-5 years old

At this age, it is not necessary to heat the child strongly, as it is still not ready for active load. The child can not concentrate and perform exercises consistently, so it is important to gradually physically develop a child, but do not overdo it. Write the baby to swimming, which will be the best start to strengthen the muscles and the correct development of posture, you can also try to visit several climbing classes for children, today it is a very popular destination. For those who plan to seriously engage in the development of a child's muscular frame, it is worth trying to write a baby on Taekwondo, but it should be careful - not every child is ready for such an occupation, the kid's interest is also important to consider. Girls can pay attention to figure skating or rhythmic gymnastics, at this age, children develop great.

6-10 years old

Excellent age for serious classes in sports sections. The child is quite an adult in order to voice his wishes to parents and understand what he likes, and what he would not want to do. It is very important to discuss with the child any questions relating to its activities outside the school. This period is great for Eastern martial arts and athletics. But such sports as big tennis, it is better not to rush - the probability of the injury of the back is great. As a responsible parent, you must ensure that the number of hours held by the child in the gym does not exceed one and a half hours at a time.

Any sport is intended

Any sport is intended


11-13 years old

For boys at this age, team games like football, volleyball or hockey are quite suitable. At this age, the muscle corset is quite capable of withstanding quite serious loads. If you wish the child, you can allow such sports as boxing, fighting or other power sports - with a reasonable load distribution, such classes will not bring any harm to health. By this age, the child most often reaches certain success in his sport, if they do professionally.

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