Destroy myths about sports nutrition


The topic of sports nutrition is surrounded by so the number of myths that some people refuse to even hear about him and only exclaim: "Chemistry!" The experienced athletes, after each workout, drink protein cocktails to replenish energy reserves on muscle growth, while newcomers are just trying to figure out all the terminology and compositions. Let's figure out who is shown and contraindicated sports nutrition, how to choose suitable additives and how to take them correctly.

What is sports nutrition

Under sports nutrition, there are no usual products that we buy in the store every day, and not even the products of proper nutrition. This is a wide class of food additives, which includes both familiar protein and carnitine and more specific - heiner, BCAAA, other amino acids and so on. Sports nutrition allows athletes to feed according to the mode, which is especially important when typing muscular mass. The additives contain useful macro- and trace elements, which, of course, can be obtained from ordinary products, the truth will have to eat them much more than the usual portion to get the same amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates that are contained in the portions of the dry mixture. It is worth noting that additives for men and women are the same, only the percentage of content in a mixture of specific substances is different due to different field physiology.

Protein or heiner makes energy reserves

Protein or heiner makes energy reserves


Who is contraindicated sports nutrition

  • Allergy . The main reason why additives cannot be taken, allergic is. It meets about 10% of athletes - it's not enough, but you can not forget to indicate it. If you have an allergy to animal protein, then choose a mixture for vegetarians - they are made from the wrinkle of different plants and dried vegetables. From vitamins, fat burners and other things in the occurrence of allergies it is worth refusing at all. Typical symptoms - redness and itching of the skin, nausea, swelling of the skin or throat, tear.
  • Swim . If you are inclined to the formation of gases in the intestine, then consult your doctor before going to a sports nutrition store. In protein and heiner, proteins and carbohydrates are contained in a large concentration, so people with a sensitive intestine may have a feeling of gravity and even constipation.
  • Full-fledged balanced nutrition . Before you buy anything from sports nutrition, make sure that you need it. Calculate according to the formula: 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of weight. Then count in the application for the smartphone, how many proteins per day you use. If you see the challenge, it is worth increasing the number of food intakes or supplement them with a protein or protein-carbohydrate mixture. Understand whether you need vitamin supplements, too, just - hand over blood tests at the attending physician. They will show if your body lacks calcium, phosphorus and other important elements.

When typing muscular mass It is important to fully eat

When typing muscular mass It is important to fully eat


Who needs to take sports nutrition

  • Set of masses . If you are actively engaged in the gym, you probably know that the calorie surplus needs to grow muscle - you must consume more than spend. The peak of the growth of muscles in athletes falls on autumn and winter - then they are gaining mass - and fat and muscular. To consume enough calories, but do not overload the stomach, it is necessary to include protein or heiner in the diet.
  • Reset the mass . It seems strange that sports nutrition is suitable for reverse processes? However, the paradox is faithful. During weight loss, the girls with difficulty refuse to favorite products - candies, cookies, chips and other things that spoils the figure. Manufacturers of protein mixtures decided this problem by releasing protein with different tastes - from strawberries and chocolate to caramel and ice cream. As part of only protein, vitamin supplements, sugar substitute and natural flavoring additives. That is, you will get the necessary protein necessary for weight loss, but with the taste of a milk cocktail.
  • Infectious nutrition . If the blood test shows that you lack specific trace elements, it is necessary to drink a course of vitamins. Also, sports nutrition will help if you work a lot and do not have time to have fully. It is possible to replace them one of the snacks or dinner - it will turn out to be a hearty meal, rich in protein.

Additives will help you feel great

Additives will help you feel great


How to take sports nutrition

The best guide for you will be the recommendations of the manufacturer. On the packages they write how many grams need to be taken to a portion, how often take. Most often in packages there are measured spoons that are convenient to measure the amount of powder. Usually, the protein portion is 20-25 grams in a dry form, all additives in the form of tablets take 2-3 times a day with food or after it. Some additives, like BTSAA and other amino acids, are bred in water or juice and drink during training. Store consultants are usually experienced people who are engaged in sports, so they will be able to advise you on all issues.

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