Natural filter: 4 ways to effectively clean the liver


One of the most important bodies constantly needs our support. However, the lifestyle of the classic urban resident rarely allows liver to relax: fatty food, alcohol and individually intolerable products gradually slow down and worsen liver operation. What to do? Run for expensive drugs? Do not hurry. There are several ways to help your liver natural products, and what - we will tell now.


The simplest way, but this is no less effective. Oats has long been considered one of the most useful products, and its use in various form helps not only restore the liver, but also to improve digestion in general. How to cook oats to use: we need to pour a tablespoon of ground oats liter of boiling water and insist about 10 hours. Drink a decoction three times a day in half an hour before meals.


The root of ginger acts much faster than oats, so it is worth seeing to this recipe if you do not have individual intolerance. As you prepare: rub the root and fill three tablespoons of ginger glass of boiling water. It will take 20 minutes to insist. After you have led the infusion, add a teaspoon of honey and lemon juice. We consume 10 drops in the first few days, then go to two drops for two weeks.

Try apple juice

Try apple juice


Apple juice

If you do not have any special problems with the stomach, you can try to clean the liver apple juice. The essence is that in addition to juice you do not use other liquids all day. If possible, repeat the procedure and on the second day, and on the third drink juice field 18 pm. Remember that the juice must be done on your own, and not buy ready-made supermarket.


Probably one of the most useful natural products. But here there is a danger to get a negative reaction of the body - make sure you have no allergies on honey. How to use honey to clean the liver: you need to divide a teaspoon of natural honey in a glass of warm water. We continue to "honey cleaning" for one and a half months, be sure to be in front of the main meal.

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