Ordinary miracle: master the ancient gymnastics


Visitors of urban parks, most likely seen groups of people who synchronously make smooth television. The ancient gymnastics of qigong is becoming increasingly popular, especially since no adaptations for classes are required. Instructor in the practice of Qigong Catherine Varlamova spent a small introductory course for MK-Boulevard.

There are many myths and mystics around Cigoon. Whereas in pure form, this practice is purely applied. The word "qigong" consists of two words. "Qi" is the energy that exists at each point of the universe. "GUN" is the work that you need to do to learn something to manage. That is, in this case, the word "qigong" can be translated as "work aimed at Qi management."

It is with the energy of qi, a lot of misunderstandings are connected, which formed the basis of a huge number of speculation and quantities. At the moment, scientists have no reasonable theory explaining the existence of qi, the functioning of energy vessels and their localization. Although recently, the look of Western science is more and more appeals to such studies.

It can be unambiguously to say that the practice of qigong has a beneficial effect on many people's lives. Despite the fact that we still do not know how this is the effect. However, modern living conditions are increasingly pushing us to find new, more advanced and effective ways to distribute their internal resources. To the search for an internal rather than an external source of these resources.

If you explore this practice at such an angle, then for each practitioner qigong opens exactly those possibilities for whose search for human attention. It may be health, increasing stress resistance, search for internal harmony, spiritual development and many other aspects.

It is for this reason for those who would like to practice qigong, there are no age or other contraindications and restrictions. Each person is able to take this aspect that is relevant for him. There is only one condition: regularity. If you comply with it - qigong will open your treasury.

Ekaterina Varlamova, Tsygun Instructor

Ekaterina Varlamova, Tsygun Instructor

Morning exercises

one . Put your legs a little wider shoulders. Try to jump from the socks on the heels and back, then do the same movement, but from side to side - transfer the weight to the left, then to the right. Try not to bend your knees, move all the body.

2. Put the legs together. Make a shallow squat, and then straighten your knees, try to bother them a little in the opposite direction. After ten repetitions, go to the next part: knees in a bent position, try to outline by half a severity first one way, then to another.

3. Stand smoothly, fold your heads behind your head, spread the elbows wide, and then slowly rotate the hips five times one way five times in another.

four. Stand smoothly, try moving the shoulders as much as possible, then lift them and stay back. Perform no more than ten times.

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