Appetite can be taken under control


The first thing that should be taken with the taught the irrepressible appetite is to stop fighting with him. If you are unbearable, you want a banana - do our best to eat it. Otherwise, you risks to improve many others, including more calorie products. But even after that you do not get rid of the desire to taste the banana.

Try to adjust the power mode. Ideal if you eat every three hours. If such an accurate schedule does not suit you because of the work features, eat at least three times a day. If three hours from the last meadow have not passed, but you are already hungry, try to touch until the appointed term. If the head did not turn out, the stomach did not bore, hence you did not matter with true hunger, but with appetite.

If you often eat not because of hunger, but because of the appetite, find out what is the reason for the increased interest in food. Perhaps the case in diabetes mellitus, because of which the cells of the body cannot assimilate glucose. Or in the accumulation of fat in the abdomen, which interferes with the intestines to remove nutrients from food.

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