No, it does not bother: Correct the diet for critical days


In the female body there are many processes that are somehow affected by our general condition. We are literally dependent on cycles. However, not many know that improving metabolic processes and facilitate unpleasant symptoms in "these days" will help a properly selected menu. We will tell what products should be on your table in different phases of the cycle.

Follicular phase

The very first. For these ten days, which you will experience the period of starting a new cycle, you need to replenish the stocks of iron, to do this, pay attention to dishes from oats, wheat, cauliflower, be sure to add bran. By the way, it is in the first phase that weigh the weight.

More seafood

More seafood



Follows the follicular phase. Elevated estrogen level gives you a good mood and a large amount of energy. Now, as it is impossible, a diet with a high content of vitamins C and E is suitable. Add more berries, cereals and vegetables, and also do not come around seafood - shrimps, oysters and tuna diversify your daily menu and will not give you fatigue to you.

Try not to overeat

Try not to overeat


Lutein phase

Not the most pleasant period - weight increases, the mood is spoiled - all signs of PMS in the case. It is important not to lose control and not exceed your individual calorie rate.

It is best to stick to the next diet: fish, seafood, eggs, low-fat poultry meat. If you maintain the norm of the protein in the body, the thrust to sweet will disappear by itself.

If you can not live without candies and cookies, replace them on dried fruits rich in magnesium, for example, on the drier.

No fastofud.

No fastofud.



It lasts 3-6 days and requires an additional energy consumption. At this time, it is not recommended to engage in strength training and consume cold food, as it can provoke spasms.

Ideal products for this delicate period: buckwheat, grenades, cucumbers, lean meat and cranberries - everything that strengthens the vessels.

Try to adjust your diet to criticize less darkening your everyday life!

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