Saw on health: Scientists told why you need to sleep during the day


Many noted that in recent months, their schedule has become more busy than before. After a long working day, you take a break for lunch: close the laptop, go to the sofa and ... fall asleep. It is not surprising that such a habit is formed pretty quickly - everyone loves to sleep! Siesta in Spain, Italy and a number of other southern countries have long become a tradition, and now this habit goes to the north. According to the latest statistics, 34% of Americans will not give up day sleep. Given the interest of society to the issue of the usefulness of such a break, we decided to turn to the scientific literature and tell you the wrinkles from it in a clear form.

Fast sleep improves vigilance

For people who work in the night shift or detaining in the office are late, sleep 30-40 minutes before working in the afternoon or in the middle of it, as in the second case, is a real salvation. Scientists call a breaking "preventive sleep" and insist that it improves the concentration of attention, which is especially important for pilots, workers of factories, truckers and other people whose work is associated with risk. The study "The Use of Caffeine Versus Prophylactic Naps in Sustained Performance" conducted in 1995 in 1995, which compared the effects on the body of day sleep and caffeine, showed that daytime sleep provided a long-term improvement of working capacity and less sharp drops in the mood Than caffeine - the effect was enough for 6 hours.

Nice before work is never harmful

Nice before work is never harmful


Do not refuse coffee

If you need to wake up longer than 6 hours, coffee can help. In 1994, the Journal of Ergonomics published the results of the experiment, according to which the participants of the study were able to hold out without sleeping a day with regular caffeine consumption. At the same time, the experiments fell separately with day sleep and coffee - the authors indicated that these ways to get rid of dermosis, if necessary, concentrate for a long time operate only in the complex. Such practice use surgeons forced sometimes working clouds without sleep.

Sleep 10 minutes instead of half an hour

Laboratory study "NAPS, Cognition and Performance" confirmed the theory of scientists that the daytime sleep improves mental activity, memory and efficiency. The greatest effects of scientists noted from a 10-minute sleep, whereas during a break in 30 minutes it was noted that the subject needed an additional time to return from the state of the nap. Having started practicing a daytime dream, first you will not be able to quickly dive into it, but after you will succeed, go to patience.

Fast mastering of skills

In 2006, the study of "Habitual Napping Moderates Motor Performance Improves Following A Short Daytime Nap" divided the participants into two groups: those who often slept during the day, and those who dreamed periodically. Each group was asked to fall asleep at the time before they would perform a read job. When the participants in the experiment wake up, those that twist regularly coped with the task. The researchers determined that the brain of the familiar "Sony" better copes with motor training, which is part of the process of mastering a new skill.

Increase the skill of memorization of information

Increase the skill of memorization of information


Not only in the brain, but also in the muscles

It turns out that dorming is not only useful for mental processes, but also has a positive effect on physical endurance and efficiency. The study conducted in 2007 in Journal of Sports Sciences, studied the results of a series of sprint rates 10 test men. As it turned out, after half-hour post-chaired dermistry, the race was reduced, which says researchers that afternoon sleep "increases vigilance and improves mental and physical performance after partial sleep loss." They suggest that Dunda can be an important part of the regime of professional athletes whose schedule is scored during fees and competitions.

Strengthen the memory in just half an hour

One of the many functions of regular night sleep is to strengthen memory. In 2010, a study was conducted, published in the journal "Neurobiology of Learning and Memory", in order to find out whether the daily sleep improves the memory processes, in particular associative memory (the ability to establish links between non-standard objects). A thirty-one healthy participant at noon was given a task to memorize cards with photographs of persons. Participants were divided into two groups: those who slept 1.5 hours before the start of the experiment, and those who did not do this. At 4:30 pm, the participants who dreamed during the day showed noticeably the best preservation of associative memory.

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