Let yourself feel: analyze emotions


Have you probably heard that all diseases from the nerves? In fact, not so much from nerves, as the fear of expressing emotions. For some reason, it is believed that only positive emotions that will not make others think about you are somehow not so are considered to express. No, you should not rush to hysterics, if you did not put Cherry in a salad, but also to keep everything in yourself dangerous for the psyche. In addition, experts came to the conclusion that the "bad" emotions like anger, in fact, not so bad.

It is important not just not to hide emotions, but also to understand, or whether it is necessary to react so much in this situation. We will help you sort out yourself.

do not copy the negative in yourself, but do not splash on others

do not copy the negative in yourself, but do not splash on others

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Friend your emotion

As soon as you start to cover the negative, close your eyes and listen, in which place of your body is the boiling point. Think what happens if you give this feeling will? If you understand that the manifestation of your emotions will entail trouble both for you and for others, try to calm down, and for this not to enter with anyone in the discussion.

Analyze your feeling, your goal is to give a clear description of what you feel, for example, "I am sad", "I am upset." More specifics.

We are looking for the cause

Think about why you are experiencing this emotion. You did not like how a man was looking at the subway? Or you upset mem in the social network? After you decide on the cause of your discontent, you will understand what you should work on, and which in principle the situation cause you a negative so that you can fail with them in the future. You may have unresolved problems that require a specialist intervention.

Analyze your emotions to sort out yourself

Analyze your emotions to sort out yourself

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

How often this emotion visits you

There is no reason to worry when the negative visits your thoughts extremely rarely, however, if you constantly catch yourself thinking that you want to scream for someone, there is a reason for anxiety. Remember that the situation itself is annoyed, and some unresolved problems, but the "wrong" look of the waiter is only the last straw so that you give the will feelings in public.

Your feelings and thoughts should not influence each other.

We all had situations when in the rustling of anger we spoke to loved people such things that in the usual state you would never say. Therefore, always remember that, first of all, you need to take yourself in your hands, again, take a deep breath and only then say what you think. After all, one wrong word, and you can crouch with your close man simply because you did not separate the feelings from thoughts on time.

Divide feelings and thoughts not to tear anger on others

Divide feelings and thoughts not to tear anger on others

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Only you decide what your reaction will be

Once you have taken yourself in hand, think about how best to answer in the controversial situation in which you got. The main thing to remember - feelings and thoughts should not go in one bundle. If you feel that you will not be able to answer in an adequate condition, it is better to wait for a favorable moment when your words will not act against you. This condition is especially important when building a career and successful personal life.

Sometimes it is difficult to independently cope with the problem of losing control over yourself, but also to keep all the emotions in yourself is also not an option. In this case, it will not be superfluous to contact a specialist for help.

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