How to learn how to manage emotions: 3 steps to harmony


Emotions can be managed! Manage the emotional sphere of person allows his developed emotional intelligence. The development of emotional intelligence also needs to be engaged throughout life, as well as personal growth, development of relations with a partner, with friends, with colleagues and customers. The quality of each person's life sphere depends on the quality of its development.

The development of the emotional intelligence of a person needs to be engaged from the moment of its conception. Already in the womb, the child feels an emotional background that surrounds it. And it is laid by the basics of emotional intelligence.

Psychologist on family relationship Olga Romaniv

Psychologist on family relationship Olga Romaniv

Materials press services

The high-quality base laying occurs in childhood. It is important to show caress and emotional attention to children. Before the puberty period in children there is an acute need for emotional attention from parents. If the emotional intelligence is not formed in a full way, a person appears difficulties with the formation of emotional relations in society. Such people are more likely to form formal connections in large quantities, while experiencing an infinite sense of loneliness. This feeling is associated with the blocking of the emotional sphere. Blocking is possible at various stages of personality development, most often this happens in childhood, because the child does not yet own the skill of emotional communication.

If the emotions are controlled by the behavior of a person, this suggests that a person does not know how to contact with him, with his inner "I" and with the world. Periodically, he can fall into merging with himself, or in merging with others, while not recognizing its true desires and needs. This contact is destructive, so it is important to comply with the balance of your feelings and desires, given the feelings and needs of the people around.

If you notice that you do not cope with emotions, we will recommend you three steps to harmonize your emotional sphere. Emotions interfere with soberly look at the world. And if you give them the will, you can make a lot of inadequate actions, which can be regretted.

1 step. When emotion covers you, take a deep breath, stop and ask yourself what feelings I feel at the moment. When you come to awareness of the palette of our own feelings, if you are alone with you, it is recommended to write a feeling in a notebook. If you are in the dialogue, tell us about your feelings around. Thus, you will pass a full cycle of residence of feelings and free from destructive state. It is only important to express in the form: "I am a message." For example, when you are late for a whole hour, I'm angry, I feel offended and longing. First, this message will be useful and participant in the interaction, because it will allow him to pay attention to its action that caused your sense data.

2 step. Take your feelings. When other people call you a negative, which they teach you or vice versa require training from you to certain lessons. Think for what you experience. Ask yourself a question and look within yourself answers.

3 step. It is recommended to constantly track your level of comfort in collaboration with the world. Feelings are always guided towards your well-being. Follow them throughout your life and do not change yourself, do not betray yourself. Feelings always suggest the right decisions. Feelings express our soul's voice. Listen to feelings and coordinate them with mind, then you will be in harmony with the world.

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