8 reasons that do not allow us to enjoy life


Happiness is an individual and quite subjective category. What can interfere with a woman? Only she herself! Want to be a happy person - be it. Happiness is our internal resource. It is impossible to instill anyone forcibly. It is very individual. Remember the proverb: "What is good for Russian, for the German death"? In my practice, I often come across the lack of something in the client's life - no husband, children, money, work ... Happiness is what we wish for all holidays to each other, our own and relatives. Let's try to figure out that it does not give us to be happy:

one. Ignorance of your own needs - "Look there - I do not know where, I bring something - I do not know what." If the woman herself does not know what he wants, another person has very little chance of "guess", practical clairvifiation is not included in the list of human competencies.

2. Unwillingness / inability to take responsibility for their lives , among other things, for your happiness. A woman is waiting for her who will come and make her attendant (Prince, husband, friends / girlfriends, parents).

3. Stereotypical social expectations (Everyone should be married, have children, be a good mistress, have a relationship as in TV shows, etc.).

four. Ignorance of one's own feelings, the inability to show them, low emotional reflection . When a woman does not show his feelings, the overall level of emotional response is reduced, and then the joy does not differ from sorrow, anger - from irritation, delight - from pleasure.

five. Lack of coordinate system to determine the parameters of their own personal happiness Otherwise, the woman will not understand whether it moves to him or not, maybe happy already? Who am I? What I want? What goal is moving? How to understand what has already reached her? What happens in my life if I ... (I'll do / do ...)? What will not happen if I.

6. Heavy expectations and myths (It is impossible to be happy until the house is on the shore, without a career, without children, without a man, etc.).

7. Lack of interest in his own life ("There is no point in what I do, and a new look point is meaningless," such a paradoxical statement leads to a decrease in the quality of emotional performance indicators), and interest should be maintained in itself at different stages - "What is interesting I recognize / with me will happen Today?).

eight. Professional implementation . It is easy to analyze that this will be 75% of our time. But many of us underestimate the choice factor of work for the feeling of full happiness and pleasure life! And when was the last time you thought about happiness? Most people live in the established state of the so-called "autopilot", committing one base route: a house - work - a house, there are still shops and daily household troubles and raising children. And if they plunge into statistics (figures - the fact is stubborn and indisputable), then, according to the results of sociological research, only 30% of people satisfies the choice of place of work and the position. Check yourself, do you enter these 70%?

The mechanism was studied by chemists and biologists and highlighted the Hormon "Happiness" - endorphin. When we experience positive emotions, endorphins enter the blood and act on the bark of the brain, causing a feeling of bliss, pleasure, joy, victory, conquest ... Do not feel your inner need to close people, society, people begin to look for the so-called "substitutes", namely , alcohol, drugs, gambling, etc. There is another option, for more conscious, developed personalities - the gradual suppression of negative emotions and the displacement of them from the area of ​​conscious in the region of the unconscious. At first glance, nothing terrible is happening, the human psyche is organic and long-suffering, but how long the rope is no longer ... The body will still fail, it is like a time bomb, the mechanism continues to count the time, and no one knows exactly when "Babak".

The reason for the lack of a feeling of happiness is not an acute reaction to stress, but "drunk" in the subconscious of emotions, notaded and depressed. How sometimes you want to send "to hell" and relatives, and employees, and bosses, and customers ... I have never caught yourself on such emotions?! Just honestly! One of the disturbing bells is fatigue, lack of energy, cheerfulness, no desires, do not please things and events that brought joy and positive emotions earlier. "I don't want anything," "Tired (a)", general depression, sleep disorders, both when falling asleep and unreasonable awakening "in the morning." If you have coincided at least two signs, there is a reason to think. Believe me, everything is solved!

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