Unclean case: 5 sports, which girls are in vain forget


In one of the materials The Times refers to the study of 2013 decanner, during which the author and his partner decided to find out who more often engaged in sports - men or women. As it turned out, men are twice as often go to workout, and the reason is not at the abundance of free time, but in the best organization of men's teams in group sports. I decided to remind the girls about the types of activity that men are more often engaged in, but they also teeth girls.


Harvard Medical School writes that boxing classes improve visual sharpness and increase concentration. Also, training is useful for the development of equilibrium holding skill: during classes, you curb the body, slightly squat and actively make hands, which makes you apply for strength to hold the body in a uniform position. It will unjust assume that boxing is only active blows and turning the housing. Before each occupation, the coach will force you to perform aerobic exercises to warm up muscles, will teach correctly breathe to control the strength of the strike, and stretch after class.

Crossfit - Energy Competition

Crossfit - Energy Competition

Photo: unsplash.com.


At one time, the crossfit was a boom of popularity - specialized studios opened one after another. Now interest from the crossfit was replaced by Sykeling, but we do not advise you from this type of workouts. If you have a healthy heart and lungs, there are no contraindications to crossfit classes. Fans of this sport note that crossfit developed their endurance, reaction rate, muscle elasticity. In the course of classes, the technique of exercises may suffer due to the high speed of their implementation, but under the control of the coach you remain in full security. The crossfit is also good in that with high training intensity in a short time, more adrenaline hormone stands out into the blood, and then serotonin, which makes you an active and happy person.


This kind of sporthttps: //www.womanhit.ru/100-dnei-do-pliaza/sport/20-05-15-uzhe-ne18-kak-oblegchit-bol-vkolenjah-pri-zanjatijah-sportom/a will be on the teeth Only to those who are ready to allocate time on it and money. However, as the athletes say, the result is worth it. Unlike many sports, there are even newcomers here to enter the arena of the competition without the need to train and achieve this right. Triathlon includes three disciplines: swimming, running and riding a bike. Usually, girls are most difficult for swimming - it is likely that you will need help professional coach who will put the equipment and will follow the improvement of the results. We advise you to engage together with a girlfriend or a loved one, to be, with whom to share interests.

Take a few swimming lessons in a professional

Take a few swimming lessons in a professional

Photo: unsplash.com.


As an alternative to all familiar tennis, squash appeared. According to the technique, the game is similar to tennis, however, you will play with the opponent in a closed room and beat the ball from the walls, and not from the floor. Squash develops the reaction rate, the ability to instantly make decisions, frees from extra thoughts in the head and helps to remain slender - about 600 calories are spent for training. Even newcomer will cope with the technique of the game: first you will allow a lot of errors, but over time you get used and get used to it.


Women's basketball teams we see significantly less than male, and those mainly based in the United States and some European countries, but not in Russia. Usually we play basketball at school, breaking your nails and trying to pick up the ball from each other, forgetting about the technicality and aesthetics of the game. In the conscious age, basketball is perceived differently: you learn how to deal with rivals, passing passes, high jump and so on. In the process of the game, the muscles of the whole body actively work, so after a couple of months of classes, you can seriously surprise how built.

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