With new forces: 4 ways to cheer yourself with cold in the morning


Stand in the morning with a good mood, and even feel the most cheerful - the task is not simple. If you have learned yourself, but still do not know how to make your morning as beautiful as it is shown in the advertisement of yogurts, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the small tricks that will make the first hours after awakening if not beautiful, then certainly vigorous.

Water - our all

Most often, the first drink in the morning for most urban residents becomes coffee. It is not surprising that along the way to work begins to twist the stomach and pulls to sleep already at half the way to work. If you adore coffee, brew yourself a cup in the workplace in a couple of hours after breakfast. Immediately after waking up, it is best to pull over a glass with water, and behind a glass with warm water, which will launch all the processes and will not irritate an empty stomach. You will notice that after a week of consuming water in the morning you will still be disturbed by headache, and you will wake up much easier.

Got up and ran

No, if you do not want, you can not go to the morning jog, and W with a complex of morning exercises still should be familiarized with. This can be anything: Yoga, Pilates, exercise on a simulator or classic charging. Of course, in the morning the least wants to move and pulls to sleep at least another half an hour - to overpow yourself. As soon as you hold out a month, forcing myself at least to warm up a little in the morning, very soon you will do it on the machine and can no longer get out of the house without making some stretching exercises.

Do you have breakfast in the morning?

Do you have breakfast in the morning?

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

This is an aroma!

As you know, different smells are capable of both raising, so and worsen our mood. Moreover, for each of us there is a set of odors, you only need to understand what odors contribute to raising your mood and make the morning really kind. Specialists recommend buying sachets with your favorite aroma and hang it in a closet or place an aroma lamp on the bedside table. The main thing is that the smell is not annoyed and did not cause headaches. As a rule, pleasant flavors set up to the desired way, especially if a hard day is to be.

No "I don't want"

If you think that skipping breakfast, save time, you are very mistaken - in fact, you only violate the normal metabolism, which also affects the work of the brain. Not getting enough morning "fuel" in the form of porridge or cottage cheese, the stomach gives signals to the brain, where processes aimed at developing additional energy from the reserves of your body, thereby have an additional burden on all systems and exhale already by the middle of the day.

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