12 questions about the beauty of Varvar


1. Barbara, you are in great shape. How do you support it?

I give myself physical exertion several times a week. This is definitely stretching. Then the treadmill - I run a few kilometers on it. In winter, I ride a lot on skis. Not so long ago, Hatha Yoga was engaged, where the whole body is involved, all organs. Finding static poses benefit the spine and joints, and breathing exercises help to relax. Yoga helps me put in order internal condition and solve some problems with your back with the help of special Asan. Once a year I make sports massages with a course of ten procedures.

Fortunately, I do not have to force myself, since I am not peculiar to me.

Winter singer often skiing

Winter singer often skiing

Materials press services

2. Sit on diets, are you limiting yourself in something?

Of course, I love everything, but I can not afford it all. On diet I do not sit, but just follow the fact that and when it is. If necessary, arrange unloading days. I try not to use salt, as it delays the liquid, replacing it with spices. It has long been taught not to eat after 18.00.

Forbidden products for me - fat, sauces, potatoes, white bread. If eating pasta, then only solid varieties. I try to eat gradually and often - three or four times a day. My basic diet is seafood, fish, vegetables, fruits, greens.

3. Share delicious and useful recipes?

Sure! For example, a salad: Greens - anyone, which is, and who loves, can leave lettuce, add tomatoes and seafood to whom they like - shrimps, mussels, squid splashing with lemon juice and refuel olive oil.

Favorite fish recipe - salmon with spinach. We put fish fillet in foil, pour a little cream, salt to taste, we look with spinach or beans, wrap and put in the oven for 35 minutes.

I will be happy to tell you the recipe for New Year's Olivier in a lean version - instead of sausage I take cancer necks, I do not add eggs, but instead of ordinary mayonnaise I use soy.

4. How do you prefer to relax?

In his country house in the forest on the shore of the lake. It is 500 km from Moscow. The circle is untouched nature, the connection practically does not catch ... An ideal place to reboot! We try to go there with family at the first opportunity. Be sure to go there after the tour to recharge the energy and be in silence. In the summer there is well enough to go fishing, take a walk in the forest, I love to sit with the book in the fall, in the winter, we ride skiing in the forest. Also favorite entertainment, especially in the cold season - visiting the bath.

In the house I organized a small gym, where there is a treadmill. In the summer I am engaged in yoga on the pier.

This is the place where I relax, inspire, and again ready for labor accomplishments.

Of course I love to travel. Even to go for a couple of days somewhere and change the situation is very useful.

In the house I organized a small gym, where there is a treadmill

In the house, I organized a small gym, where there is a treadmill. "

Materials press services

5. How do you care for the face?

I have problem skin, so cleaning and basic care - on pharmacy means. I have a few favorite brands that fit my skin. I try not to linger for a long one, as the skin is getting used for half a year. In addition, why deprive themselves try to try something new. I myself make peelings, masks. I go to the beautician when you need to solve some particular task. I believe in hardware techniques. For example, phototherapy fits me. The pros is also in grandmother's recipes, and in new technologies. But most importantly - always keep your hair and skin clean. For me, it is unacceptable to appear on people with a stupid head or unshakable makeup. The skin must be cleaned overnight. I still use a degreasing lotion. By the way, an excellent cleansing agent is clay masks that are easy to cook at home and which are sold in any pharmacy.

6. Use "homely" beauty recipes?

Yes. For example, coconut oil perfectly helps from skin irritation. Coffee scrub cleans very well, and after it the skin is just velvet! He is preparing simply - we take the "living" coffee, add coconut or olive oil, heated in a water bath, mix it to the state of the casis and put on the body as a scrub.

7. What procedures do you prefer with a cosmetologist and is there taboo?

Mandatory procedures - manual face massage and moisturizing masks. I have already spoke about hardware techniques. Do not accept the injection of beauty and suspenders.

8. What do you use from cosmetics in ordinary life?

Few. Mascara, powder, light lip gloss. I also choose a natural makeup for the scene. I work with me very good makeup artists who know how to make makeup, which is not very noticeable, but the face is bright.

9. How do you care for hair?

I like coconut hair oil. Just put on your hair, leave for an hour under the cap, wash off. Hair is awesome after him. You can use other-raised with castor, you can add liquid vitamin A, D, E. I believe that natural agents are always better. Of course, now there are many good money from different brands, and I use them myself, but periodically courses I use masks from natural oils.

10. What spirits do you like?

I love cold flavors. I like dear perfume. He holds longer and the fragrance is more noble, if you can say so. Very like Dior perfume.

11. Do you often experiment with your appearance?

No, not at all experiment. I found my image, and I feel comfortable in it. First of all, these are clean long loose hair. Sometimes I can assemble them in the tail. For filming, photo shoots sometimes make different images, but the essence still remains the same. Carefully change makeup or hair color I do not agree,

12. What is the female beauty in your opinion?

Each woman has a raisin that you need to be able to file. You need to find your own style. And most importantly, in order to be comfortable. Harmony with me is the most important thing. And she goes from the inside. And above it needs to work first, work on yourself. If you are in harmony, you take yourself, emit happiness and calm.

It is also important to be feminine, well-groomed. And feminine not only externally, but also internally behavior, look, smile, voice, with his speech - in everything there should be femininity.

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