What you need is not to hurt


It is known that vegetables and fruits serve as a reliable source of only two vitamins: ascorbic and folic acids. By the way, the content of vitamin C in apple juice is only 2 milligrams per 100 grams. To get the daily rate of this vitamin, equal to 60 milligrams, you need to drink 15 glasses of juice per day.

That before the vitamins of the group in and fat-soluble vitamins, and e, there are many not vegetables, but in very high calorie meat, liver, kidneys, eggs, milk, creamy and vegetable oils, bread from the flour of coarse grinding, buckwheat, oatmeal, brown Rice.

So if you want to be healthy, you need to replenish the lack of vitamins and trace elements. Only one question remains on the agenda: how to choose a vitamin and mineral complex?

First of all, it should be guided by what your body needs. There are special vitamin complexes for those engaged in fitness, leads an active lifestyle or just wants to lose weight and adheres to diets.

Complexes for future mothers are always additionally enriched with folic acid, iodine and iron.

To maintain in perfect condition of hair, leather and nails, special complexes are also needed. The yeast extract in combination with an antioxidant cocktail from vitamins A, B, C and E in the form of dragee will strengthen the nails and give hands a well-groomed appearance.

Monovitamins are also produced, which are most often used in medicinal purposes. But it is better to complement your diet to polivitamins and not forget about a balanced full nutrition.

In the morning or evening

Drink vitamins are better after eating at the same time, for example, in the morning. This applies to complexes with ginseng root extracts or eleutherrococcus, which tone so that no coffee will be needed. And fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin E on an empty stomach simply do not absorb.

It is also worth remembering that taking medicines and vitamins at the same time, the latter will be worse. Antibiotics can "press" vitamins C and B2, tranquilizers and sleeping pills - vitamins of group B, painkillers - vitamin C and folic acid.

You can also diversify your diet by badas, but these are not pharmaceutical preparations, and they do not pass clinical trials.

Vitamin A

fish oil, liver, butter, cream, carrots, sweet pepper, parsley

Improves eyesight, protects against colds and influenza

Vitamin B1.

peas, oatmeal, buckwheat, nuts, pork

responsible for the work of the brain, the cardiovascular and nervous system, protects against the harmful effects of alcohol and tobacco

Vitamin B6.

Greens, buckwheat, yeast, legumes, carrots, avocado, bananas, walnuts, cabbage, corn, potatoes, soy, fish, meat, milk, cod liver, egg yolk

Participates in the exchange of substances, necessary for the work of the nervous system, reduces blood cholesterol levels

Vitamin B12.

sea ​​cabbage, soy and soy food, yeast, liver, kidneys, beef, chicken, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, oysters, herring

contributes to preventing depression, helps with insomnia, regulates the metabolism, normalizes pressure

Vitamin C

Citrus, greens, sour cabbage, black currant, rosehip fruits, cranberries

Warns colds, regulates the metabolism and the work of the immune system, protects against stress

Vitamin E.

Sunflower, cotton, corn oil, seeds of apples, nuts green leafy vegetables, cereal, legumes, egg yolk, liver, milk, oatmeal, soy, wheat sprouts

Supports the health of nerves and muscles, prevents anemia, protects cells from damage as antioxidant, contributes to the absorption of vitamin A, slows the aging

Vitamin D.

It is formed in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays,

Additional Sources - Dairy Products, Fish Fat, Egg Yolk

Provides the growth and development of bones, regulates the mineral exchange, warns osteoporosis, contributes to the absorption of calcium and magnesium

Vitamin K.

Greens, Rosehip, Spinach, Color and Brussels Cabbage, Green Tea, Nerd

Promotes the formation and restoration of bones, responsible for blood clotting

Vitamin RR

Beef Liver, Yeast, Broccoli, Carrot, Cheese, Corn Flour, Dogs, Eggs, Fish, Milk, Peanuts, Pork, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Mint, Ginseng

normalizes cholesterol content in blood, regulates metabolism

Vitamin N.

Peanut, Bean, White Cabbage, Champignons, Egg Yolk, Liver

regulates metabolism

Passion around the overdose of vitamins boils serious. However, fetched here more than the real one. Polyvitamins contain a prophylactic dose of vitamins. And even if at once, it will take a time calculated for several days, nothing will happen. The only vitamin you need to keep Egor Egor - Vitamin A. In Polyvitamin, there is usually its daily dose, so it is additionally not necessary.

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