Myths about popular weights for weight loss


Any girl who is interested in weight loss knows what products her body reacts extremely unpleasant - gaining volumes in certain places. And nevertheless, even harmless products for metabolic processes can provide a "bearish service". So to what products need to be treated with greater caution, if you decide to reset a few kilograms? Let's find out.

Fresh vegetables and fruits

Of course, to imagine a dietary menu without vegetables and greenery is impossible, the main thing is to carefully select the products that we will come to the table. Absolutely harmless to the shape of green vegetables and all types of greenery. But potatoes and grapes must be limited - prepare dishes from these products no more than once in a couple of weeks. Also nutritionists are advised to be careful with sweet fruit, especially with bananas and mangoes - it is better to replace them with green apples.

A fish

An excellent product that does not require the body of serious energy costs when digesting, but only if you are preparing a steam fish. How can fish can harm the figure in this case, you ask. The danger is fish fatty varieties, such as salmon. For a fading woman's dietary woman, a tuna is most suitable, Mintai or Heck. Important moment: Try to avoid sharp spices when cooking.

Carefully with cereals

Carefully with cereals


Dairy products

The benefits of the "dairy" for the most part in its ability to remove toxins and high content of bacteria useful for the intestines, and without a healthy intestine, as we know, it is impossible to feel good. Finding into the trap of marketers, we prefer to buy low-fat fermented milk products, but at the same time we get additional health problems. The thing is that in fat fat products often add taste and starch amplifiers, which can be just dangerous if you, for example, suffer from diabetes.


For the most part, the cereals do not harm and are an excellent garnish in the diet. But, again, we look at how positively your body perceives rice, millet and even neutral buckwheat. With intolerance to gluten, large portions consisting mainly of cereals can extremely negatively affect your health.

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