Never do so on the plane: Useful Tips for the First Flight


It is difficult to imagine, however, a fact - a little less than half of the population of our country never sat on the board of the aircraft. All of all different reasons are: someone is afraid to fly, someone can not because of bad health, others simply cannot afford.

Suppose you decided on a long trip, and you will have a flight, it doesn't matter long, the bottom line is that you will sit on the plane for the first time. We have prepared 7 tips for you, which you do not need to do before your debut in the sky.

when landing is preferably awake

when landing is preferably awake


# 1 fall into deep sleep

No, we do not say that they do not need to sleep on board at all, on the contrary, it will help to pass time. However, if the plane goes to land, it is better to awkward at that time to prevent unpleasant consequences for our body. Problem in pressure drops. For our body, this is a real stress if you sleep at this moment, the body will still feel the whole "charm" of this process. Best at the time of planting to dissolve the lollipop to reduce the tension. If you sleep, your sleep can break bleeding from the nose or headache.

# 2 warm up

No need to make an active charge in the passenger pass, just stand up, go to the toilet, it is desirable to wash your hands. Due to low pressure, cardiovascular problems may be aggravated if they are, so it is important to force blood to circulate correctly. To do this, you need to make a simple gymnastics, sitting right in the chair: you need strain caviar, raise your legs and make a foot massage. Periodically knead the muscles of the hands.

# 3 Prepare for time zones

The change of time zones is pretty much straining the body, so as soon as you board the plane, move the clock at the local destination point. Suppose, where you fly, now a deep night, in this case you will not hurt to sleep at least a couple of hours so that you will be easier to rebuild on arrival.

Remember that not all airlines will offer you a flight with comfort, so take care of it yourself: take a special pillow to sleep to sleep in the aircraft cabin with comfort.

Let this journey be remembered from the good side

Let this journey be remembered from the good side


# 4 harmful not to drink at all

Without noticing, we are not noticing, we lose a lot of fluids, being in the aircraft cabin, and all because the air is very dry there. To avoid dehydration, drink while the flight is a worthless amount of simple water without gas and sugar.

Make a small charging right in the chair

Make a small charging right in the chair


# 5 excessive use of coffee and strong tea

Do you know that water for tea and coffee in the cabin take from airplane sewage? The quality of such water is very doubtful, therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences for the intestine, buy water in the bottle.

# 6 carbonated water

Again, due to pressure change, the use of carbonated water can adversely affect the body. The gas will cause a bloating, and it is not quiet, in the end you will feel very bad, and this condition is not the most suitable for a long flight.

# 7 alcohol

That's what it is worth refuse is at all, it is from the use of alcoholic beverages. If the flight is short, you can order a glass of dry wine, but from the bottle clearly will not bring you happiness. You will only enhance dehydration and get a headache with a bonus, in the worst case - poisoning. Do you need it?

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