We produce useful habits: how to avoid cancer in the new year


There were few days before the new year's onset, and at this time I want to think only about the most pleasant and joyful. I want to believe that in the new year a lot will change - and certainly for the better.

And it is possible! That is how it will be if from the new year to start developing new habits that not only allow you to protect yourself from cancer, but will allow for a long time to preserve good health and beauty. Scientists from the USA proved that almost half of the development of cancer is related to lifestyle factors, and therefore many of them could be prevented or found at the very beginning. Let's see that at the very beginning of the year you can change for the better to maintain good health and the joy of life as long as possible.

Throw smoking. Yes, and again about the harm of smoking, including passive. The study conducted in the United States at the end of 2017 has once again confirmed the leadership of tobacco smoke as a dangerous carcinogen. It is tobacco smoke that is responsible for almost all cases of lungs and larynx cancer, as well as almost half of the diagnoses of the cancer of the esophagus and the bladder. The risks associated with passive smoking are often underestimated, but German researchers note: they are at times higher also in wives of smoking spouses and in children smoking mothers. Therefore, to start a new life without a cigarette is a valuable gift that can be done for a new year and relatives.

Go to a healthy diet. It is recognized that at the heart of any healthy menu, vegetable food is occupied, and therefore fiber. Nutritionists insist that it is necessary to use at least five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables per day - regardless of the time of year. This will support the work of the digestive system and reduce the risks of the development of colorectal cancer. From red meat, especially reworked, on the contrary, it is recommended that if you do not refuse, then bring it to a minimum consumption: research speaks about direct communication of meat use with the development of the intestinal oncology. But it is possible to afford useful white meat (chicken breast, turkey) and fish, especially fat. Fish is perfectly absorbed by the body, and also contains Omega-3, which, according to scientists, inhibits the development of certain types of cancers.

More often to move and exercise more sport. A sedentary lifestyle is a significant risk factor when it comes to cancer (and not only!). Recently, scientists from Illinois university found out that it is enough to train 30 minutes 3 times a week for at least six weeks so that the body makes it necessary to prevent the intestinal cancer and the ulcerative colitis of the bacteria. This is a necessary minimum, and in general, doctors are recommended for the prevention of cancer, at least 5 times a week to 30 minutes. Ideally, the load should be aerobic, which means walking on foot and the preference of the staircase elevator also go to the offset.

Lose weight. Overweight and high proportion of fat in the body is not only a heart problem in the future, but also a higher probability to face cancer. A study conducted in the United States with the participation of 630 thousand people from 2005 to 2014, clearly demonstrated that more than half of the diagnoses of cancer in women (55%) and almost a quarter of men (24%) are associated with obesity. And these figures relate to all types of cancer. The most "dependent" from overweight types of cancer of liver, kidney, colon, pancreas, stomach, esophagus, brain, gallbladder, ovaries and uterus, as well as breasts and multiple myeloma. Thus, the ability to keep yourself in good form can significantly improve health. And it is very accessible if you follow a healthy diet and physical education, attaching attention to the total number of calories in the diet and the reasonable ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the menu.

Alcohol provokes at least 7 types of cancer

Alcohol provokes at least 7 types of cancer

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Refuse alcohol Or bring it to a minimum, even if we are talking about a couple of wine glasses on holidays or a beer jar sometimes. The misconception is common that the use of alcohol affects only the development of liver cancer, but it is far from the truth. Alcohol - proven - provokes at least 7 types of cancer, including breast cancer and digestive organs, so it is important to have this in mind, especially if it is known about the presence of hereditary predisposition. There is no proven minimum on the number of alcohol, but the principle is "the less - the better" here is recommended by researchers unanimously.

Avoid solarium and carefully sunbathe in the sun. Ultraviolet rays are the main cause of skin melanoma (93-96% of cases). During the holidays, it is better to forget about the full day on the beach, even under the umbrella - sunbathing doctors recommend up to 12 and after 16 hours. It is also important not to forget to apply sunscreen, exactly as indicated on its tube, so that the protection acted continuously, and also re-apply it after swimming. About the solarium Modern medicine categorical: the waves of the UVA spectrum emitted by their lamps are most dangerous in terms of the development of melanoma, so it is better to forget about the solarium.

Use vitamin D Scientists from the University of California (San Diego) discovered the relationship between the content of vitamin D in the blood of women from 55 years and the development of all types of cancer. In women, the blood test of which showed more than 40 ng / ml, cases of cancer were 67% less compared to those whose level of vitamin was less than 20 ng / ml. Scientists also found that most often most of the types of cancer develop in people with a level of vitamin D from 10 ng / ml to 40 ng / ml. If you do not get enough vitamin D from staying in the sun (and in our latitudes it is this way), then it is worth the analysis and make sure that its blood content corresponds to an "anti-column" level. If it is not, it is important to take vitamin D with food additionally.

Get a colonoscopy. Intestinal cancer (colorectal, CRR) came out on the 2nd place in Russia. For a long time, colorectal cancer proceeds asymptomatic and develops in the body slowly and unnoticed, sometimes for a decade. At the same time, at the initial stage, when symptoms are not yet manifested, it is fairly easy and often without consequences for the body is cure. Therefore, the main thing in the prevention of intestinal cancer is the timely diagnosis and its most accurate and informative method - colonoscopy. The colonoscopy allows you to identify cancer and even precancerous neoplasms and, if necessary, remove them. Also during the procedure, in case of doubt, you can make a biopsy - take a piece of fabric to the study. Colonoscopy is shown if you have such problems as a bloody, irregular chair and blood in it, as well as weakness and other signs that resemble irritable bowel syndrome. Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and other chronic and inflammatory bowel diseases - too reason to alert. And if you hit 40, go and make colonoscopy is fundamentally important - it is at this age that the risks are multiplicated. Do not lose the precious time: Make a colonoscopy and take your life under control already at the very beginning of the year!

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