Problem Places Figures - what and how to work on them


In the process of weight loss, it is important not only to keep track of meals, but also resort to the help of additional procedures. Do not be afraid to experiment in a safe frame - the skin during weight loss should be elastic, which is worth achieving in any way. We speak about the places of the figure, with fat deposits on which most girls are fighting.

Wide waist

The standard of figures - "Hourglass" - the dream of most girls. True, it's not so easy to deal with the widespread the waist. There are several options:

  • Balance the shape by increasing the volume of the shoulders and hips, the visual effect of a narrow waist will be created. Engage in the gym with heavy weights so that the muscles grow faster.
  • Another option is to focus on other parts of the body using clothing and accessories. For example, you can wear a large brooch on the lapel jacket or loose pants.
  • Also, some girls notice that the hoop helps to fight fat deposits on the waist. During the twist of the sides, they are massized by special convex inserts that provide blood flow to the problem zone, accelerating the lymphatic metabolic exchange and the destruction of fat cells.

Create a visual effect of a narrow waist

Create a visual effect of a narrow waist


Flat buttocks

Slender from nature, women also have to be upset due to flaws of the figure. Rounded buttocks are synonymous with femininity for many men. It is for this reason that the girls go to the gym to add centimeters in the desired area. Coaches advise to engage in a barbell, making 6-8 repetitions in 3-4 approaches with maximum weight. The best suits are suitable with legs on the width of shoulders, dead traction, lunges in motion and mahu on the sides.

Large hips

In pursuit of slimness of the legs, it is important to pay attention to the Cardio training - running, walking at high speed, bike. Moreover, the duration of the workout should be no less than half an hour. It is better to run and walk in the morning, an empty stomach. Also make a dry brush massage - it accelerates lymphatic exchange, helps to remove excess water from adipose tissue. In a massage, the oil or lotion will help you with the addition of several drops of citrus and conifer essential oil - they actively act on the skin.

Slender legs - the dream of many

Slender legs - the dream of many



With age, the skin on his hands begins to blame, so it is important to play sports in order to maintain its elasticity. Do push, pull up, swing biceps and triceps, press bar from the chest. Then the muscles will always be in a tone and any dress with bare hands will look at you perfectly. Some girls resort to plastic operations - we advise you to consult with a specialist before going to such a serious measure.

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