Questions are not stupid: we struggle with fear disgraced before colleagues


Sometimes it seems to people that a good specialist is one who understands its topic from and to. However, in practice it is impossible: hundreds of companies work in the world, thousands of startups are launched every day, people become bosses and lose work. In this situation, the best solution is to synthesize your own and colleagues to stay up to date on the agenda. Do not be afraid to make contact with them and offer weekly news briefings. It offers several options how to get rid of the constraint to admit that you are not a all-round person.

Show interest as a result

"Setting the question to colleagues, a person, at least shows his motivation, the desire to develop and, most importantly, responsibility for the result," the entrepreneur believes and the author of Anna Sinalev's career project. "Much worse, if a person is depressed, and such often happens. When the employee does not understand how to solve the task, and due to the fact that it is afraid to turn to a colleague or leader for help, the task is not solved, "the expert notes. As a result, the whole team suffers - it can receive a reprimand from the head or change the composition due to personnel permutations.

Do not be afraid to ask questions

Do not be afraid to ask questions


Take relations with colleagues

In the team, where employees communicate with each other outside the office, there are no problems with communication. You can send your question to the working chat and within 5-10 minutes to get a full answer on it. Another thing, if you are indifferent to colleagues or, worse, have strained relationships with them. In such conditions, there is no speech about mutual assistance and support. Before making an exemplary email, just come to the person and talk to him. Most of the problems in personal relationships are solved by a simple conversation for souls. Only after that begin to communicate in the working chats and cooperate with each other as a colleague, and not worst enemies.

Become confident in yourself

If you think about what the rest will tell you, then you are not confident. Think about the fact that the scary can happen, even if you ask the question stupid in the opinion of the interlocutor? Well, let him decide that you have ordinary mental abilities - and what? About people who in the first minutes make up the opinion of a person, too, nothing good to say. Your goal is to get an excellent result, and methods, if they do not go beyond the law and morality, you should not worry.

Enough disputes - adjust relations with colleagues

Enough disputes - adjust relations with colleagues


Explore more information

Half questions that you can set colleagues can be found on the Internet. Especially answers to technical questions - in search engines you can detect useful videos in the application manual format, equipment settings, solving problems with printer and other things. Contact them to colleagues exactly does not make sense. Another thing if you read the book on your professional sphere and did not understand some of its moments or faced with difficulties in the application of the author's practical recommendations. Then your colleagues who have impressive experience should help.

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