5 Honey Use Rules


Rule number 1

In the morning, on an empty stomach, drink a glass of warm boiled water with two teaspoons of honey. The drink will charge you with cheerfulness and energy for the whole day. In addition, he will launch exchange processes in the body.

Honey and Lemon - a great combination

Honey and Lemon - a great combination


Rule number 2.

But there is honey in pure form on an empty stomach, in no case. The product causes excessive insulin production and sugar jump in the body.

Honey can raise blood sugar

Honey can raise blood sugar


Rule number 3.

Before bedtime, it is useful to drink tea or warm milk with honey. So you remove the voltage that has accumulated per day. The drink will help to fall asleep easier and faster.

Honey tea - Natural Snow

Honey tea - Natural Snow


Rule number 4.

Do not put honey in hot water - the temperature should not exceed 40-45 degrees, otherwise you will lose all the beneficial properties of this product. If honey heat up to 60 degrees and above, it begins to distinguish toxic substances and becomes simply harmful.

Honey can become poison

Honey can become poison


Rule number 5.

Ate honey? Rinse your mouth, and better clean your teeth. Like any sweet delicacy, he harm enamel.

Take care of the teeth

Take care of the teeth


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