Favorite celebrity dishes


Housewife recipes

Shalyapinsky soup

Ingredients: 1 Kochan cabbage, 300 g of champignons, 100 g of white dried mushrooms, 1 carrot, 1 onions, 200 g of boiled smoked ham, 10 pcs prunes without seeds, 1 bundle of parsley, 3 laurel sheets, 4 tbsp. vegetable oil, salt, pepper.

Cooking process: Dried mushrooms pour 1 l warm water, leave for an hour, then fold on the sieve and finely cut. Chopping cabbage. Champignons, onions and carrots finely chop. Pastern on a vegetable oil onions with carrots, add cabbage and mushrooms, to remember everything together. Separately fry the chopped ham.

Pour the mushroom infusion in the pan, bring to a boil, put roasted ingredients. Cook for 20-25 minutes, add chopped prunes and bay leaf, cook another 10 minutes. Salt, pepper. Serve with chopped greens.

Shalyapinsky soup. .

Shalyapinsky soup. .

Tsvetaean pancakes with cottage cheese

Ingredients: 400 g of flour, 1.5 liters of lactic serum, 200 ml of white dessert wine, 200 g of sugar, 1 egg, 50 g yeast, 1 tbsp. Soda, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, 100 g of butter, 100 g of walnuts, 100 g almonds, 200 ml of cream, 200 g of cherries, 200 g of crumbly cottage cheese (9%).

Cooking process: In the dairy serum, smash the egg, add wine, salt, sugar, soda, 1 tbsp. A spoonful of vegetable oil and flour. Mix thoroughly, then beat the wedge. If the dough it turned out too liquid, add flour. Bake thin pancakes, roasting them on both sides. Each pancake is lubricated with butter.

With the help of a blender grind nuts, berries, cottage cheese. Add sugar and cream, mix. Wrap a filling in pancakes.

Tsvetaean pancakes with cottage cheese. .

Tsvetaean pancakes with cottage cheese. .

Chef recipes

Napoleon soup

Ingredients: 300 leeks (white part), 300 g of potatoes, 1 bulb, 50 g of green bow, 800 ml of chicken broth, 80 g of butter, 200 ml of cream (22%), 300 g of Sadata "Frieze", salt, pepper.

Cooking process: Three views of Luke finely cut. In the pan melt the butter, fry the onions, add leek and green onions, fry until soft. Put the chopped potatoes chopped into a small cube, pour the broth, bring to a boil, salt, pepper and cook on the slow heat of half an hour. Finished soup Because of the blender together with cold cream to a gentle puree state. When applying, sprinkle with a finely chopped green onion and decorate the lettuce "frieze" lettuce.

Napoleon soup. .

Napoleon soup. .

"Dining time", first channel on weekdays, at 12.15

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