Live stories: "I am now not the" maniac food ", which was before"


"All my life I was larger than other guys. The rest of the girls in the class were slight enough, they did not have any problems with the figure. On holidays, they put on beautiful dresses, which emphasized their advantages and looked stunningly. And I? And what am I, in the 11th grade the size of my clothes was huge - 48, and this is 17 years old!

But all this I realized much later. At that time it was not very disturbed me, the thoughts were busy with others - I got married. My weight at that time was at the mark of 89 kg, and after the birth passed for 100. God gave birth to a wonderful healthy son, but after problems began: the outbreak, pressure, acne began to hurt, and after a while doctors diagnosed the lumbar hernia. Support for her husband then had a huge impact on my psychological state, and in general I was loved and happy, so it all arranged me.

And then an event occurred from which it all began. I do not remember at which holiday - in my opinion, it was a New Year's corporate party - all workers were traditionally asked to take pictures together. When I saw a photo, she slaveled and felt terrible emotions - surrounded by smiling, beautiful people stood, I would not be afraid of this word, a thick aunt in a maximum sized T-shirt.

Then I did not sleep all night and clearly decided to get rid of this nightmare, which is called an excess weight. Began to look for a suitable coach and nutritionist. Thank God, I got very responsive, competent and kind people. I started to work hard and for a year and a half dropped about 30 kilograms. And then tired. Just tired, and "benevolers" said the phrase of the type: "You look so great if you don't lose weight anymore, it is not necessary." For me it became an excellent excuse to do nothing. The weight was then 78 kg.

And after a while I met the coach, Anastasia, which I helped me very much. It can be said, she opened my eyes to the fact that everything can be done more, much more. Showed examples of girls that succeeded. I stopped waiting for a miracle, I again took up work. There were changes in my globility, thanks to which I completely took responsibility for my life.

So I lost weight 70 kilograms. The cherished goal is 63. Now I know exactly what I will succeed and I will see these magic figures on the scales. I am now not the "maniac food", which was before. Actively engaged in physical exercises, keeping the right nutrition and feel great. And all the girls who want to lose weight, I want to say: you only need a huge desire and willpower on the way to a beautiful body. If there are these two qualities - nothing will stop you! " - told Valentine from Smolensk.

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