Properly organize the work of a woman manager


Routine processes, operating activities, control - all this takes a huge amount of time from the head, business owner. It is impossible to develop and go ahead if the entrepreneur spends all his time on the same processes. Often they complain that they are "lacking the second head" or "There is still a single pair of hands." In fact, they lack a good personal assistant - that man who will take all these tasks for themselves.

What functions perform a personal assistant, and how does it differ from other employees?

If we are talking about personal orders, assistants can even engage in family affairs: organize holidays for children, coordinate their additional sections and other entertainment, organize family trips; coordinate home personnel and drivers; What is important for a business woman - it is to record in the salons, gyms, on the procedures, dial to the right people, order tables in restaurants, turn things into dry cleaning and take the shoes from repair. This is a great opportunity to remove all these tasks from yourself!

Often, very nontrivial orders are assigned to business assistants, only the "man with superpowers can be able to cope with. For example, the organization of the wedding of the head in Italy: it was necessary to overlap the movement in the Italian city, send there about 150 guests, after booking for each hotel room, buying all the plane tickets and even making a visa to those who do not have them. And also control the whole wedding in place.

Personal assistant should be able to solve any tasks

Personal assistant should be able to solve any tasks


Well, or more: persuade Adriano Celentano fly to Moscow to a private party and sing a few songs. The assistant flew to another country, looking for his manager's house and waited him on the street to be able to once be able to persuade him, because on written requests were solid failures. Mr. Celentano has not been performing for many years any years. And she persuaded.

The main difference between the business assistant from other employees is approaching to the first person and confidentiality. Assistant is the person who will know everything about you: when you were at the reception at the dentist, in which places you walk, where you buy things, and with whom you flew to the weekend to Lisbon, or with whom you had a meeting on Thursday at 12:00. This is a high degree of responsibility and confidentiality. Other employees are not available. That is why personal assistants are more "closed", slightly detached from the collective, although quite polite and friendly.

How does the business assistant determine the priority of tasks?

Strong business assistant, just like the head, disassembled in the processes within the company. He understands what is happening today in Marketing, which is in the sales department, and what is happening in production and warehouses, since all this information is collecting every day for the head. And on the basis of all these knowledge and understanding of situations and external situation, the smart assistant competently coordinates the manager's calendar, understanding what meeting in priority, and what can be transferred or canceled. What is relevant, and what is not. Thus, the assistant protects the head from unnecessary meetings and questions. In addition, the assistant can give the authority to solve some questions on their own, which also releases an additional free time for the head.

Personal assistant should not be able to do everything, but should know where and how to find someone who does everything

Personal assistant should not be able to do everything, but should know where and how to find someone who does everything


What should a business assistant know?

The assistant should be able to know everything or at least know where and how to find someone who will do what the manager needs. Assistant should simply be able to solve problems. Everything. And how he will do it - this is his business. After all, by and large, without a difference, how the task will be performed. It is important that the task will be made. And this is the main skill of all assistants.

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