Who is the last: With which disorders are most often faced by residents of the big city


Most people consider moving to major cities with an excellent opportunity to change their lives for the better. And in some sense it really is so, because the big city gives an unlimited field to implement the internal potential. But together with a success in a professional plan, a person may encounter an unpleasant side effect - a mental disorder, which is characteristic of every third citizen. We decided to talk about the most popular disorders.

Chronic fatigue

Of course, it is difficult to call this syndrome with a full disorder, but with him office workers face in 80% of cases. Permanent stress, load and the impossibility of relaxing lead to the fact that a person simply deprives himself the necessary vital energy, seeking to get the best result in the profession and personal life. In addition, do not forget about incorrect power mode, which is also a problem for 90% of the residents of the metropolis. It is necessary to deal with overwork, it is necessary when the first symptoms appear, since the more you will "squeeze" psychologically, the themes above the probability of the nervous breakdown. You do not want it?

Try to relax more

Try to relax more

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Anxiety disorder

Another global problem with which every second resident of the metropolis - anxiety is facing. Crowds of people, aggression, high level of noise and negative factors of psychological nature very quickly deplete even the most resistant to human non-vitrates. Negative thoughts appear, sleep is disturbed, and there is no you want to have at all, which also leads to violation of food behavior. Psychologists consider anxiety by one of the most dangerous disorders, since only a small percentage of people who collided with a problem, thereby turning to a specialist, thereby allowing the disorder to be actively progressing.


A condition that few people consider serious, and very in vain. According to statistics, in the US depression, every fifth suffers, especially the disorder among the inhabitants of large cities, which is also not surprising, although living standard in the metropolis is much higher. In Russia, the situation is slightly better - the clinical depression suffers only every eighth, but the problem is that the inhabitants of our country turn to a specialist only at the very last moment when ignoring depression is no longer obtained. At the very beginning, a person and his environment regards the first signs of depression as a temporary phenomenon, which is expressed in reluctance to do anything or for anything to strive. But over time it becomes clear that the case is not in banal laziness. In order to prevent the dangerous development of depression, it is important to respond in time and in no case to launch the problem - it is easier to solve it at the very beginning.

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