5 ways to improve brain performance


Scientists have not yet calculated the limits of human brain capabilities, but the discoveries made enough to identify one interesting property of the main body of the central nervous system. And it is neuroplasticity. This term reflects the brain ability to rebuild itself when it is aware of the need for adaptation. In other words, the brain is obliged to develop and change throughout the human life. High neuroplasticity reduces the risk of developing depression and the emergence of mental disorders. Training the most important body seems quite difficult, but there are options that you can try yourself.

Video Games

There is still a debate on the potential benefits and risks associated with video games. Be that as it may, the Swiss Frontiers In Psychology magazine published a study that confirmed that computer games improve memory and skills to work in a team, develop creative thinking, reaction speed and decision-making. So three-dimensional adventure games contribute to improving spatial thinking, and the logical training skills solving problems. The main thing is not to fall dependent - several hours a week will be enough.

Video games develop cognitive abilities

Video games develop cognitive abilities


Music not only raises the mood, but also develops the ability to quickly memorize new information and concentrate when necessary. In combination with physical activity, this can be an effective exercise on the development of brain neuroplasticity. By the way, it's never too late to start playing some musical instrument, but it is not necessarily. You can simply include your favorite playlist and enjoy anything without thinking about.

Foreign language

In the process of mastering another language, cognitive functions are improved by increasing the density of the gray matter, which is responsible for the amount of memory, emotions, speech and sensory perception. The study of foreign languages ​​at any stage of life increases the ability to multitasking. It is believed that bilingualism (free possession of two languages) protects against premature decrease in cognitive abilities. Regardless of the selected method, try to engage at least 10-15 minutes per day for at least 4-5 months.

Learning a foreign language requires patience and constancy

Learning a foreign language requires patience and constancy


Unusual landscapes and unusual surroundings inspire and beneficially affect the manifestation of creative and communicative abilities. In addition, visits to new places is expanding the horizons and makes a different look at the world. This is a chance in practice to check the brain skill to quickly adapt and cope with different stress situations.


Exercise improves the coordination of movements and brain circulation, which is directly related to human performance. Regular sports also reduce the likelihood of nervous disruptions and reduce the symptoms of depression. It all depends on age, abilities and health status, but the minimum physical exertion will not be superfluous.

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