Queen, Lady Boss or Star Party: What the role of them is yours


You can often hear that people wear masks. And usually it is associated with hypocrisy. But what does the concept of mask mean? And why be different in different situations of life - is it hypocrisy?

For example, you can be a tough business woman "with eggs" at work. And with the tender mom - with children. Playful coquette - on a date, disassembled hooligan - on the bachelorette party. And at the same time, a serious professional in his profession.

In different cases, are you different? Yes!

And while you are sincere? Also yes!

Cardinal changes in human behavior, depending on the situation, always seemed completely natural to me. And when I got a psychological education, I managed to find a scientific answer and confirmation of my point of view from a psychologist Robert Assaji. He first wrote that our "I" is very multifaceted and consists of a variety of parts (roles, sublipses). These roles are in turn manifest in our lives depending on the specific situation and from our attitude to this situation.

Evgenia Ghanev

Evgenia Ghanev

Photo: @Evgeniya_Ganeva_Coach

Each role has its own type of behavior, the most natural for this role.

And the most interesting thing is that we do not need to make any effort to change your behavior - it automatically adjusts to the role in which we enter.

This is the main lifehak. If you need to change the behavior - consciously go into the right role.

You go on a date - Tell yourself: "I am the Queen!".

In the role of the queen, you will keep yourself on a date confidently, majestically and worthy, thereby set a man high standards of relationships with you.

If you need a man's help - it is best to ask her by entering the role of a little girl.

Each of us remembers the feeling of this role since childhood, so you will not be difficult for time to feel like a small helpless girl, voicing my request to a man. To such a request, it is simply impossible to stay indifferent.

It is necessary to perform before the public - the moment is stopped and feeling as the star feels before the public. Imagine that the audience is your battery that gives you energy. If you succeed, though on a moment, enter the role of a star, then when speaking, you will inevitably stay confidently and convincingly.

You can consciously use your versatility

You can consciously use your versatility

Photo: unsplash.com.

It is also very useful to manage your roles when you need to get rid of an obsessive unpleasant condition or remove the role in this situation in this situation.

For example, come home from work, it would be great to quickly change the role of a Lady Boss for the role of Mom. In this case, it helps to switch to the role of mom my entrance door. I look at her and tell myself that I can cross the threshold, only by changing the "suit." As if my house is a strict dress code, and if I do not change my role, I will not be allowed. So I leave the door outside the door in which I came, and switch to my mother. My condition immediately changes, and only after that I go to the house.

This small exercise perfectly helps not to bring work problems into the house and truly incorporate time with family.

It turns out that, without suspecting, we are all the actors in this life.

Now that you know about it, it is definitely worth consciously use your versatility. It is about such women that the "riddle" says, because they are always different. The conscious entry into different roles makes relations with men much easier and brighter, and also perfectly helps to switch and always be able to "here and now."

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