How to survive a personal crisis


When something in life collapsing something, the first thing that can be made important for themselves is to admit that life has changed. And no matter how much you pretended that it is not so that you can still return something back or try simply not to notice, and then it will pass itself, "everything happened. It is already happening in your life.

Often, after that, anger and insult come to themselves, on the world, on the people around them, on the circumstances. Because if they were not - everything would be fine. This is a normal, natural reaction, but the trap lies in it. No guilty, there is just a life in which something constantly changes and happens. And so that you move with it, you need to go from the search to blame for the search for solutions - what exactly now, it is in these circumstances that you can do to improve the situation.

Here you will be waiting for the next mastery trap - it seems that if you try to improve the situation, there is a chance that everything will come back and becomes like. But it is important to understand: Whatever you do, no matter how hard you try - exactly as before will not be. And it does not mean at all that it will be worse. It will just be somehow different. And the probability is high, that this is the other in the end you will enjoy even more.

Nelly Zadorozhnaya

Nelly Zadorozhnaya

When you finally get comfortable with the thought that changes are inevitable, - you can become very sad. Many hardly carry this feeling. After all, in our time of positive thinking, it is not accepted. You need to be fun and joyful. Always. And many blindly follow this rule. Unfortunately. Because sadness, sadness is precisely those feelings that help us let go of unfulfilled dreams, hopes, burning around and ignored those options for the future, which, due to the circumstances, most likely never happen. After all, to build your new future - you must first say goodbye to the old one.

And then the possibility of change appears. The opportunity to build on the released place is precisely such a life that you have long dreamed of, but everyone did not decide to start. Finally, sort to yourself, your values, their own - and not someone imposed - needs.

At the same time, all this is not so simple. At the time of crisis, the usual world collapses, it seems that it is not enough to rely on that, and internal resources are often missing. The crisis is really the collapse of all hopes and aspirations, all plans and goals. But at the same time, it is the collapse that helps to get rid of something that has learned, in order to have the opportunity of a happier and meaningful future.

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