Spring Transfiguration Secrets


Protection line

Calendar spring came, and the cold season is not going to end. And when a person is sick, no about the blooming form of speech does not go. Now, people go to work semi-cooled (such unwritten laws of corporate etiquette) and involuntarily infect others. However, there is a chance to stay healthy even among victims of respiratory diseases. To do this, we must follow fairly simple recommendations. The most important thing is two or three times a day to rinse the nose with sea water. The fact is that the moistened mucous membrane of the nose interferes with infection to penetrate the body. In addition, vitamin D should be taken, which stimulates immune cells that destroy the causative agents of diseases. It is contained in fish oil and in special vitamin complexes. And do not forget the important thing: hands - source of viruses, microbes and bacteria. Therefore, you wash them more often and handle the alcohol-containing gel, so you will reduce the risk of infection.

My girlfriend is my pillow

Full sleep gives man the opportunity to fully recover overnight. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right pillow. Ideally, it should be rectangular and hollofireer (natural fillers are often a source of fungi, bacteria, mold and dust mites). There is a huge selection of orthopedic pillows, thanks to which the physiological bending of the neck and the spine is not disturbed. However, there is one "but": such pillows are contraindicated with pains in the neck and migranes. Hollofiber's pillow should be washed in a washing machine once every fourteen days, and pillowcase - every week.

Tropics in the kitchen

Exotic fruits in the diet is an excellent remedy for seasonal chanders. They are not only tasty, but also useful. Take, for example, papaya. It helps the absorption of protein food, and also contains potassium and magnesium, important for the work of the heart. It is necessary to choose a green fruit with ruddy sides, which are a little amenable to pressing. Papaya can be chewed and bake, but it is better to do without heat treatment to keep vitamins. Coconut will decorate any festive table, and coconut milk is usually used in everyday life. It is rich in coarse fibers, vitamins A, B, C, E. It also contains many copper-trace element participating in the biochemical reactions of the body. You can drink coconut milk in its pure form, add to fruit salads or cook cream soup on it. A closed package with this drink is stored at room temperature for about three years, open - in the refrigerator no more than five days.

Again two!

It is not necessary to run in the doctors to keep track of your health. It is enough to keep under the control of two positions. The first is the volume of the waist for no more than eighty eight centimeters. If the waist is wider, it speaks of depositing around the internal organs of the so-called visceral fat. It has substances causing cancer, atherosclerosis and diabetes. The second is the level of thyrotropic hormone (TTG) in the blood. It should not be above five units. If the level of this hormone is more - it means that something is wrong with the thyroid. Such a disease should be treated with hormonal drugs. To avoid age problems, it is desirable to have a hundred grams of red fish every day. This is a daily dose of vitamin D. It is he who provides bone strength and stimulates immunity.

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