Ghosts of the former: how to throw out past relationships from the head


It is very difficult to start a new life if the shadow of previous relations is hanging above you. Do not everyone know how to drive the past. We will try to help you understand yourself and your past experience so that you can rented your life to the new chapter.


Movement is the basis of our life, so you do not need to be hushed up in place, finally with negative thoughts from the past. Your problems will not solve themselves. Stand up and make efforts. This action method will teach you to go ahead and do not stop, which will help to survive the crisis during the rupture.

Remove lessons from past experience

Remove lessons from past experience


Stop blame yourself

There is nothing perfect in the world, and especially perfect people. Of course, in the past, there is both your fault, but is it worth killing so much? Any gap has a reason. Perhaps your expectations with partner were not justified, you could not give him what he wanted, and he, in turn, did not satisfy some of your needs. In this situation, it is natural that you feel bitterness. But no need to linger in this state, forgive yourself.

Think of good

There is no relationship fully built on the negative. Remember how many wonderful moments you experienced with this person. Now you can not change anything, even if it seems to you that you could at some point to do otherwise. Think of good and smile. Try to drive out negative thoughts as far as possible.

Think of good

Think of good


Remove lessons from past experience

However, if you have some sin of past relationships, you do not need to exacerbate so unpleasant feelings. You will not make worse anyone but yourself. Nothing cannot be changed, you do not change the past, you can only rethink what happened and continue not to repeat your own errors.

Pay attention to yourself

Your former partner can think about you anything, to live and communicate with anyone. Your task is to focus on yourself. If you don't think about yourself, no one will think. Many women love to build imaginary dialogues among themselves and former, but understand: all this happens only in your head and has nothing to do with reality, release thoughts about this person, now he has his own life, and you have its own.

Pay attention to yourself

Pay attention to yourself


Think about the future

As many psychologists say: "Look ahead, in the future, then you will not have time to look back." You have been dirty of experience in past relationships, and now this experience will serve you a good service when you meet your new love. Of course, from time to time you can remember what happened once between you, but do not allow these thoughts too often and deeply settle in your head.

Do not bother attempts to forget it

You still will not work out. When we try to forget something, begin to make unnatural things. Past relations are part of your life. No need to kill this part. Perhaps a little later your brain will be less and less and less bringing you these memories.

Understand that everything changes in life

Nothing lasts forever. Take it to calmly move on. Changes - part of the formation of the personality. You can climb out of leather, but there are things that we are not able to control. Live here and now, otherwise you risk losing what you already have.

Do not bother attempts to forget it

Do not bother attempts to forget it


Find an alternative

Instead of the days to drive himself into the bunch of sadness from the memories, gather and go somewhere with friends or relatives. A good company is able to bring you out of the depressed state.

Help others

This is a very good way to distract. It is not necessary to change the world in a global sense at all, just pay attention to those who are next to you. When you share with people with emotions, they return to you in double size.

Each checkeoot is hard to worry, but it is inevitable. So do not dwell on the past, instead, look forward.

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