Unbearable burden: 7 tips, how to lose weight after pregnancy


Achieving a healthy weight after childbirth may be challenging: care for the newborn, addictive to the new routine of the day and recovery after childbirth can cause stress at a young mother. However, it is important to return to the normal weight after childbirth, especially if you plan to get pregnant in the future. We will look at some effective methods that will help you achieve a healthy postpartum weight so that you can make a mom with vigor to take care of the Mom.

What is the "child's weight"?

Here is some prehistory of what is the "child's weight", why he arises during pregnancy and why it will not need after the child will appear. Centers for the control and prevention of diseases (CDC) recommend women with a normal weight, carrying one child, dial from 11.5 to 16 kg during pregnancy. Your doctor can also give other recommendations depending on your needs.

According to a study published in American Journal of ObStetrics & Gynecology, weight gain during pregnancy consists of: child, placenta, amniotic fluid, breast fabric, blood, weight increase in uterus and unnecessary fatty sediments. Additional fat acts as a supply of energy in childbirth and breastfeeding. However, overweight can lead to too much fat.

On average, for pregnancy, a woman is gaining 11-15 kg

On average, for pregnancy, a woman is gaining 11-15 kg

Photo: unsplash.com.

Weight set are dangerous

According to CDC, almost half of women are gaining more during pregnancy than recommended. The consequences of preservation of excess weight after pregnancy include:

Elevated high weight risk

Increased risk of diabetes and heart disease

greater risk of complications during pregnancy

Higher risk to women's health with gestation diabetes

The following list presents scientifically based advice that will help you reset the extra pounds. Tips to help reset the weight of the child:

1. Keep your goals realistic

Regardless of what you believe in magazines and celebrity stories, weight loss after pregnancy takes time. In one study of 2015, 75 percent of women were heavier a year after childbirth than before pregnancy. From these women, 47 percent were at least 4.5 kg heavier for 1 year, and 25 percent remained 8 kg of weight. Depending on how much weight you scored during pregnancy, it is quite realistic to expect that during the next 1-2 years you can reset about 4.5 kg. If you are added in weight, you can be a few keel harder than before pregnancy. Of course, with the right power plan and exercises you can achieve a healthy level of weight loss.

2. Do not break the diet

Crash diets are very low-calorie diets whose goal is to lose weight in the shortest possible time. After childbirth, your body needs full nutrition for recovery and recovery. In addition, if you are breastfeeding, you need more calories than usual according to CDC data - per day when feeding is spent about 800-900 calories. Low-calorie diet will be deprived of important nutrients and probably will cause you a feeling of fatigue. This is the opposite to what you need when care for the newborn and when you do not sleep.

Assuming that your weight is currently stable, reducing calorie intake of about 500 calories per day will stimulate a safe weight loss of about 0.5 kg per week. According to the Academy of Food and Dietology, such a weight loss is considered safe for nursing women. For example, a woman who consumes 2000 calories per day, could eat at 300 calories less and burn additional 200 calories with exercises, which generally reduce the number of calories by 500.

3. Cut the breast if you can

World Health Organization (WHO), American Pediatric Academy (AAP) and CDC recommend breastfeeding. Breastfeeding for the first × 6 months of life (or much longer) has many advantages both for you and for your child:

Provides food: breast milk contains all nutrients needed to a child for growth and development in the first 6 months of life, according to Whot.

Supports the child's immune system: breast milk also contains important antibodies that help your child fight viruses and bacteria.

Reduces the risk of diseases among babies: breastfeeding babies have a lower risk of asthma, obesity, type 1 diabetes, respiratory diseases, ear infections, sudden childhood syndrome (SVDS) and gastrointestinal infections.

Reduces the risk of Mother's diseases: People, nursing breasts, have more resistant immunity. In particular, protection against high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, breast cancer and ovarian cancer.

In addition, studies have shown that breastfeeding can contribute to the wondering in the postpartum period.

However, in the first 3 months of breastfeeding, you can not lose weight or even add a little in weight. This is due to the increase in the need and consumption of calories, as well as with a decrease in physical activity during lactation.

4. Watch for calorie intake

We know that the calorie count is not suitable for everyone. But if you find that intuitive nutrition simply does not work, the calorie tracking can help you determine how much you eat and where there may be problems in your power plan. It can also help you make sure that you get enough calories to provide you with the necessary energy and nutrition.

You can do it:

Diary diary

Photograph your food as a reminder that you ate

Try Mobile App for Calorie Tracking

Share daily calorie consumption with a friend, which also monitors the calories for accountability

The use of these methods will help you reduce the size of the portions and choose more healthy food, which will help reset weight.

Refer to the motherhood with responsibility

Refer to the motherhood with responsibility

Photo: unsplash.com.

5. Eat products with high tissue content

It's time to add these useful cereals and vegetables to your shopping list. It has been proven that the use of high-content of fiber products helps to lose weight. For example, a study conducted in 2019 with the participation of 345 people showed that an increase in the diet for 4 grams of fiber compared to the fact that participants ate to the study led to an average additional weight loss by 3 1/4 pound for 6 months. According to clinical studies in 2015, the products with soluble fiber can help you longer feel satiety, slowing down digestion and reducing hormone hormone.

6. Fight useful proteins

According to a study published in the American clinical food journal, the inclusion of protein in your diet can increase metabolism, reduce appetite and reduce calorie intake. Studies show that the protein has a greater "thermal" effect than other nutrients. This means that the body uses more energy to digest it than other types of food, which leads to incineration of more calories. The protein is also capable of suppressing appetite, increasing the level of GLP and GLP-1 and GLP-1 hormones, as well as reducing hormone level of hungry ghod.

To healthy protein sources include:

Dietary meat


Fish with low mercury


Nuts and seeds

milk products

7. Keep your useful snacks at hand

Products that you have can strongly affect what you eat. Best with useful snacks to be sure that you have something at hand when the mood will rise. That's what you need to have at hand:

Vegetables and hummus

Mix of nuts and dried fruit

Greek yogurt and homemade granola

Aerial popcorn

Inkjet cheese

Spicy nuts

Seaweed snacks

Studies show that simple storage of fruit on the counter is associated with a lower body mass index (BMI). Similarly, a comparative study showed that the presence of unhealthy food on the counter is associated with increasing weight. Professional Council: Keep processed products and sweets away from the kitchen or, even better, from home.

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